Yeh, It Still Kinda Freaks Me…

And something in the update that chaps my gizzard

I think I’ve commented about this before (but am too lazy to check *heh*). I’ve not removed the notice, because it’s so… weird, but here it is: on my lil notebook, Windows Update offers an update to the Norwegian language pack.

How did M$ know I have an interest in Norwegian? This is real paranoia time, folks. How. Did. M$. KNOW?!?

Later in the day, I caught the news about the events in Norway. Now that’s really creepy.

BTW, it really chaps my gizzard to have news outlets identify the shooter that’s been arrested in the Utoya Island shootings as a “fundamentalist Christian” instead of, more properly if “Christian” is cited at all, as an unchristian heretic (a description which would reflect more accurately on the views reports say he espouses).

Why Not?

If The Zero wants to withhold Social Security and military pay, why not get serious and withhold so-called “welfare” payments as well?

Oh, wait. That’s right. What was I thinking? He has to keep bribes to his constituency going.