HIGHLY Recommended Reading

Anything by Samuel Francis is worth your time to read. I have often linked to essays by him on the subject he coined a term for: anarcho-tyranny. Here’s another one, one that may explain a bit about the real Bush Derangement Syndrome that Fifi Bush, Felipe Calderon’s lapdog, seems to suffer from (as opposed to the psychological condition of the rabid left that goes by the same name). Or not so much suffer from as cause the rest of us to suffer from. *sigh* A sample:

…the central rule of anarcho-tyranny, the system of government under which we now live, is that if you can’t or won’t punish the guilty, criminalize the innocent and punish them.

Under anarcho-tyranny, criminals aren’t punished (which is why it’s anarchy), but the innocent are (which is why it’s tyranny). The Bush Administration seems determined to develop this insanity to a state of perfection.

Sadly, you can no longer email Samuel Francis, as the VDARE page I link to suggests, since he passed away a couple of years ago. But do go read his essays on the dangers of the system of government we now live under.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Right Pundits, The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, DeMediacratic Nation, Right Truth, Maggie’s Notebook, The Pet Haven Blog, DragonLady’s World, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, stikNstein… has no mercy, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Funniest site I’ve seen in a looooong time

Any of y’all who’ve owned a (older) Jag or other Brit car that used Lucas electric parts will LOL at this site. I did. Over and over and…


Back in the 70’s, Lucas decided to diversify its product line and began manufacturing vacuum cleaners. It was the only product they offered which did not suck.

Q: Why do the British drink warm beer? A: Because Lucas makes their refrigerators

Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone.Thomas Edison invented the Light Bulb. Joseph Lucas invented the Short Circuit.

My mind blanks on the number of times I disassembled and completely rebuilt, using off-the-shelf electrical parts, the Lucas electrical components on a ’72 XJ12 as they failed one by two by three by… *heh* (Well, Jags are Fords now. Strangely, that’s an improvement in many ways.. But I’m still not buying another one.)

UPDATE (already): for those who’ve been driven batsh*t by their Haynes manual (yeh, I’m a serial masochist: I have a collection of the things) this is a must-read. A collection of LOL hilarious, “I only laugh cos it hurts so much,” info on the (in)famous series of car manuals.


HAMMER: Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer is nowadays used as a kind of divining rod to locate expensive parts not far from the object we are trying to hit.

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An “Intractable” Problem?

A commenter, Thomas, on the previous post shared this:

Without taking a position one way or the other, is there no more intractable issue than this one? I don’t see this ending well no matter what measures are taken.

My response to his comment was lengthy and so, as the prolix person I naturally am, I thought I’d bring it here… and expand upon it. 🙂 Please do note: I in NO WAY intend this as an attack upon Thomas. I appreciate his voice on his blog, and I appreciate his comment, because it points up the ambivalence many of us (including myself, despite what may appear to be my positions. I’m a bit more complex than this blog can show. :-)) on this issue.


“Intractable”? In what way do you mean that? If you mean, “Politicians and special interests will refuse to recognize what the polls say Americans want, border enforcement BEFORE any sort of accomodation of illegals is even considered (nearly 80% in the most recent Rassmussen polls), and insist on pushing through an amnesty program that will only exacerbate the problems we now face,” then I agree: the political elites are stubbornly insisting that THEY dictate their wills to the People.

Continue reading “An “Intractable” Problem?”

Grizzlies? Not Even That

Give a skunk a poodle cut and a dye job and it’s still a skunk.

And that’s what “Fifi” Bush, Felipe Calderon’s lapdog (a gift from Vicente Fox) and his partners in crime still trying to keep their amnesty bill alive really are.

Take action. Call your senators. If they have already come out in opposition to the bill, call in support. If they have not yet done so, encourage them to shoot it down. If they have supported the bill, call and politely, firmly, assertively voice your opposition and state that if they continue to support this bill, you will devote every election cycle for the rest of your life to see that they never hold public office again.

And mean it.


BTW, someone mentioned to me privately that the graphic above was disrespectful to President Bush (Felipe Calderon’s lapdog–a strange lapdog, but then, Felipe Calderon and his government spout so much B.S. about illegal aliens, it’s even fitting there, IMO). That person is right. It IS disrespectful toward President Bush. But not nearly as disrespectful as he has repeatedly proven himself to be by blatantly lying about this bill, about those who oppose it and about his agenda in supporting surrendering our sovereignty to Mexico.

Disrespectful? Disrespect is the least he deserves for deliberately sabotaging the enforcement of laws already on the books to protect U.S. sovereignty. The last I knew, his DUTY, as President, was to

“…take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…” (Constitution, Article 2, section 3)

And the president, any president, who deliberately, wilfully and habitually fails to uphold the laws–indeed, takes steps to undermine their faithful execution–of the U.S. should be impeached, tried and convicted of malfeasance and removed from office.

But perhaps I am a tad extreme. I felt Clintoon should have been removed for lying under oath (and still every time I read recently of Willian Jefferson being indicted, my mind’s ear automatically wants to hear “William Jefferson CLINTON”). Now, in pledging to fulfill his duties as president, Fifi Bush has done so as well. Lied under oath… while giving his oath to faithfully execute the duties of his office.

Oh, well. I have long said that if the laws we have were enforced; if illegal aliens were refused government services (as they routinely are–by law!–in Mexico), etc., that we would see a migration OUT of this country by illegal aliens. Quickly.

Jerry Pournelle proposes something similar, and still generously notes a way he would allow illegal aliens to qualify for citizenship, a route I would actually endorse.

“…as I have often said, the proper way to deal with illegal immigrants, is (1) close the border, (2) pay a bonus to any who will voluntarily leave — say $4,000 or so, which is significant to them but still a savings to both nation and state; (3) instruct the police that any who come their attention as misfeasors of any serious degree be turned over to the authorities for detention and deportation and make that stick, (4) offer citizenship to any who spend 8 years in the armed services ending in honorable discharge, and (5) wait to see what happens then. I have no idea whether you would call that compassionate. It seems very reasonable to me.”

I’m not entirely happy with the idea of rewarding illegals with a bounty to “catch” and deport themselves, but even that I could live with, rather than accept the lies, damned lies and political promises of Fifi Bush’s amnesty bill. But because Pournelle’s suggestions make sense and actually would make strides to strengthen America, they will of course not be welcome by such as Fifi Bush and his partners in crime.

Shame on them all. Fifi Bush amd his co-conspirators in the surrender of U.S. soveriegnty are skunks, one and all, and in any society with more than two ounces of moral fiber would one and all be introduced to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether and taken on a long walk off a short pier.

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Born on this day…

Supposedly born on this day, in 570 A.D., Mohammed: oath-breaker, mass-murderer, rapist, slaver, pedophile, glutton, liar, successful brigand and thief; now “resting” in hell.

Naturally, the man honored above all others by Muslims.

UPDATE: In comments, Dan Kaufman gives a link to THIS SONG (LYRICS here), which adequately covers the “pedophile” reference above…

Trackposted to The Random Yak, guerrilla radio, Pursuing Holiness, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

A Brief Note on the Cloture Vote on the Amnesty Bill

Do note this important point about the failure of those who sought to further undermine U.S. with their amnesty bill in the senate by seeking cloture. All cloture does on a bill is cut off further debate and send a bill to vote.

Failing to win a cloture vote, Senator “I’m a bigger traitor than the next guy” Reid pulled the bill from consideration.

Got that? He refused to subject it to more debate, to detailed discussion of its provisions. He wanted to ram the thing through without it being examined thoroughly. When he and his partners in treason couldn’t railroad the thing through, he pulled it.

Now, that speaks volumes about its content.

Read the damned thing (no, I am not using profanity) and see if I’m not right. I cannot stand up to full examination in the light of day. It does NOT do what its proponents claim. All it does is make our country less secure, its borders MORE vulnerable, by rewarding outlaws and punishing those who seek to enter legally.

A very model of anarcho-tyranny. WHat Samuel Francis said in 2003 of the Patriot Act is even more applicable to this abortion of reason: “… it prefers to erode the freedom of Americans while aliens, terrorist or not, cross the border freely.”

Among many questions the bill raises, one politicians *spit* who favor surrender to Mexico (signled out because the Mexican government actively aids and abets outlaws seeking illegal entry into the U.S.), the one in the video below (h.t. The Amboy Times) is a standout:

Keep the pressure on.

Trackposted to The Amboy Times, DeMediacratic Nation, Maggie’s Notebook, The World According to Carl, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Rawhide: Amnesty Bill Fails to Win Cloture Vote

What the Dims and Felipe Calderon’s Lapdog are feeling just a bit like today after their immigration bill (AKA: “Give Away the Store”) failed to win a cloture vote: rawhide.

Nanny. Nanny. Boo. Boo.

Keep up the pressure on your congresscritters, folks. The Open Invasion traitors–basically the Dims, Felipe Calderon’s Lapdog and all the fake conservatives (AKA, “Lying Bastards”) in the Republican’t Party–haven’t given up, yet. They’ll be back with more lying, slanderous misrepresentations, denials and condemnations of Americans who want to preserve our sovereignty… what’s left of it, that is.

Meanwhile… THIS is an open trackbacks post, open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

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Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, A Blog For All, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, Colloquium, Conservative Cat, Jo’s Cafe, Pet’s Garden Blog, Rightlinx, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, and The Pink Flamingo, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

T-13, 1.31: Thirteen Random Tech Notes

Any casual reader of this blog knows I’m a wee tad of a technophile. Moderately technogeeky, if you will. A few scraps of recent techy news I’ve found interesting, odd tips, and just oddities, etc.

1.) Blow out with canned air; dishwasher; no soap; blow out with canned air again; air dry one day minimum. Easiest way to really clean a normal, wired computer keyboard. Seriously. (I don’t recommend it for wireless keyboards only because someone would forget to remove the batteries and… yeh, you get it.)

2.) Me$$y$oft may have poohed the scrooch with Office 2007. Major academic and scientific publishers have announced they will turn down ANY submissions originally written using Office 2007, even if later saved in an earlier format. “…the power to dictate standards in the documents space may be starting to shift away from the world’s largest software vendor and toward the user community.” About time.

3.) Anyone else ignore EULAs (as I routinely do)? Biggest waste of electronic or dead tree print in the world, outside the Congressional Record or Dan Rather’s Secret Journal. All software publishers really need are the copyrights they already have. EULAs are almost always simply a means of bullying the end user, nothing else.

4.) Currently, the riskiest search engine out there, according to McAfee, is… Yahoo. Top-ranked for “red” and “yellow” flagged searches resulting in sites likely to install drive-by malware, etc. Along those lines… music and tech searches now outrank pr0n searches as riskiest.

5.) Oh, Yippee and hooray! *yawn* Mac share of web presence has reached the stellar height of… 6.46%. WTG, Macrodistas! Soon, Macs could well become a meaningful presence on the web! *heh* Of course, it’s INTEL-based models accounting for the growth… (Sadly, Macultists can no longer tout their supposed hardware platform superiority as a reason for their devotion. And since OSX is just a pretty straightjacket tacked on top of BSD, they no longer have their unique software platform to tout. ;-))

6.) Did you know that it is impossible to own too many computers? No, really. And I’m in the process of attempting to prove it… *heh*

7.) “Modding” cases. Yes, it IS possible to take this one too far. (I’ll never look at a hamster wheel the same way again… )

8.) I used to wonder how I was going to effectively catalogue and store all the floppies full of data I was generating; then it was tapes; then CDRs. I wonder when I’ll start wondering how I’ll keep track of all the DVDs full of data I’ve archived? I only have so much room for boxes full of spindles of data disks… have to save room for more computers, you know.

9.) I often wonder how folks manage to infect themselves with viruses (trojans and worms, oh my!). My only experience with an “infection” was when I intentionally infected a standalone (unconnected to any network) computer with a particularly hard to remove/clean boot sector virus for experience in removing it. (Knock on wood. :-)) Oh, I know how they can do it, but I wonder how the folks who infect themselves are also able to get to the grocery store and back without breaking a leg.

10.) I want one. Having trouble locating one to use with my old Palm m500 (the device shown attached). An OBDII-CAN reader interface (and software? firmware?) for reading with a Palm device.


Sure, I could just buy a simple OBDII reader for under $50, but this would be cool.

11.) I also need some good beer making/record keeping software for when someone finally buys me this. Yeh, I’ve lowballed my wish list. THIS is the real deal. 😉

12.) Anyone have a use for some old 30-pin memory sticks? *heh* Yeh, the stacks and boxes and bins of antiquated computer parts outnumbers the stacks and boxes and shelves full of computers here at twc central.

13.) All that said, shipping me your old computers to stockpile would probably be cheaper than paying for hazardous waste disposal… But please don’t. I have enough droipped on my as it is (quite apart from what I have… pulled from dumpsters and put online after some refurbishment *LOL*).

This has been yet another off-the-wall Thursday Thirteen at twc central, noted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub and shamelessly touted at Perri Nelson’s Website, The Virtuous Republic, The Magical Rose Garden, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, and High Desert Wanderer, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Confirmed: President Bush is a Liar

Recently, President Bush has stood up on his hind legs and boldly denounced the civic irresponsibility, if not the actual patriotism, of those who have been inflaming the debate on S. 1348, the comprehensive immigration bill now being rushed through the senate, by calling it an amnesty bill for illegals. He has categorically stated in definite, sure and certain terms once again that it is NOT an amnesty bill for illegals.

Well, President Bush, you’re a liar. I’ve read the damned thing (speaking with theological hope), and SEC. 245B. ACCESS TO EARNED ADJUSTMENT, among other portions of the bill, outline exactly the amnesty you proposed (while denying it) last year when you said that in order to stay, illegal aliens would have to “pay a significant penalty”–that penalty being to prove they have stolen jobs from Americans and to start paying their taxes.

As I said at the time (you obviously didn’t get the message from my calls to the White House), “Gee, Mr. President, what am I being penalized for? Working and paying taxes is a penalty? That means you believe that all hard working Americans who pay taxes are being penalized. What kind of amnesty or forgiveness for illegal acts am I earning by paying my taxes?”

Excuse me a sec while I search for… there it is: throwing the bullshit flag on you, Mr. President.


Mr. President, your predecessor dishonored the office not by just screwing around in the Oval Office but by lying under oath in a formal court proceeding. You, sir *cough*, have dishonored the office by screwing the American people and lying about it to our faces. Go sit on Felipe Calderon’s lap, Fifi. That’s where you’ll find your “legacy” such as it may be.

Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Right Celebrity, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, guerrilla radio, Right Truth, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, On the Horizon, The Pet Haven Blog, Webloggin, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Do something positive to avert amnesty for illegal aliens

Senator Jim DeMint, from South Carolina, wants your help in convincing senators to kill the amnesty bill. He has a brief–eleven question–survey he wants to place before his fellow senators in an attempt to add some fuel to an anti-amnesty movement. Questions include,

1. Do you believe illegal immigration is a serious problem in the United States?

2. Do you support amnesty for illegal immigrants?

3. Do you believe we must secure our borders immediately?

4. Do you believe that Congress should pass legislation making English our national language?

And seven more. Take the survey and pass the word along. The more people take the survey, the more likely it will be to carry some weight.

h.t. regular twc commenter, Hugh, via email.