Confirmed: President Bush is a Liar

Recently, President Bush has stood up on his hind legs and boldly denounced the civic irresponsibility, if not the actual patriotism, of those who have been inflaming the debate on S. 1348, the comprehensive immigration bill now being rushed through the senate, by calling it an amnesty bill for illegals. He has categorically stated in definite, sure and certain terms once again that it is NOT an amnesty bill for illegals.

Well, President Bush, you’re a liar. I’ve read the damned thing (speaking with theological hope), and SEC. 245B. ACCESS TO EARNED ADJUSTMENT, among other portions of the bill, outline exactly the amnesty you proposed (while denying it) last year when you said that in order to stay, illegal aliens would have to “pay a significant penalty”–that penalty being to prove they have stolen jobs from Americans and to start paying their taxes.

As I said at the time (you obviously didn’t get the message from my calls to the White House), “Gee, Mr. President, what am I being penalized for? Working and paying taxes is a penalty? That means you believe that all hard working Americans who pay taxes are being penalized. What kind of amnesty or forgiveness for illegal acts am I earning by paying my taxes?”

Excuse me a sec while I search for… there it is: throwing the bullshit flag on you, Mr. President.


Mr. President, your predecessor dishonored the office not by just screwing around in the Oval Office but by lying under oath in a formal court proceeding. You, sir *cough*, have dishonored the office by screwing the American people and lying about it to our faces. Go sit on Felipe Calderon’s lap, Fifi. That’s where you’ll find your “legacy” such as it may be.

Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Blog @, Right Celebrity, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, guerrilla radio, Right Truth, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, On the Horizon, The Pet Haven Blog, Webloggin, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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