Rawhide: Amnesty Bill Fails to Win Cloture Vote

What the Dims and Felipe Calderon’s Lapdog are feeling just a bit like today after their immigration bill (AKA: “Give Away the Store”) failed to win a cloture vote: rawhide.

Nanny. Nanny. Boo. Boo.

Keep up the pressure on your congresscritters, folks. The Open Invasion traitors–basically the Dims, Felipe Calderon’s Lapdog and all the fake conservatives (AKA, “Lying Bastards”) in the Republican’t Party–haven’t given up, yet. They’ll be back with more lying, slanderous misrepresentations, denials and condemnations of Americans who want to preserve our sovereignty… what’s left of it, that is.

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Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, A Blog For All, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, Colloquium, Conservative Cat, Jo’s Cafe, Pet’s Garden Blog, Rightlinx, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, and The Pink Flamingo, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

44 Replies to “Rawhide: Amnesty Bill Fails to Win Cloture Vote”

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