*Woof! Woof!*


Yeh, another one of those posts about Puppy Linux. Version 2.16 is just almost too nice.

Just download the ISO and burn it to CD* (or follow directions to “burn” it to a USB drive). Pop the thing in your computer and boot. Everything runs in memory.

I’ve not yyet had an Intel hardware compatible computer that’s able to boot from CD or from USB stick that has failed to run Puppy.

Super neat? You don’t even have to touch or in any way alter the installation of any other OS you may have installed. Oh, to access data files generated under the other OS, you’ll have to Mount the drive they’re on, but big woo-hoopsie-doo. Simple as pie. Networking? Internet? Even wireless access points, etc.? Notaproblem, and muuuuch easier than configuring most Windoze comps.

Give it a shot, just for fun. Plenty of apps for the normal user are a part of the default install, and installing other apps (first thing I always do with a new Puppy is install Opera browser) is super easy. (Neat thing: although Puppy’s all on the CD or USB stick, you can save all changes you make to a special file on an available hard drive, CDRW or USB stick.)

Take Puppy for a walk. You’ll have fun.

*Burning an ISO is a different ball of wax to burning music or data CDs. If you’ve not burned an ISO before or don’t even know what an ISO file is, no sweat. Cool lil tutorials abound. Here’s a page that walks folks through getting Puppy running. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeasy.

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