"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
Supposedly born on this day, in 570 A.D., Mohammed: oath-breaker, mass-murderer, rapist, slaver, pedophile, glutton, liar, successful brigand and thief; now “resting” in hell.
Naturally, the man honored above all others by Muslims.
UPDATE: In comments, Dan Kaufman gives a link to THIS SONG(LYRICS here), which adequately covers the “pedophile” reference above…
Do note this important point about the failure of those who sought to further undermine U.S. with their amnesty bill in the senate by seeking cloture. All cloture does on a bill is cut off further debate and send a bill to vote.
Failing to win a cloture vote, Senator “I’m a bigger traitor than the next guy” Reid pulled the bill from consideration.
Got that? He refused to subject it to more debate, to detailed discussion of its provisions. He wanted to ram the thing through without it being examined thoroughly. When he and his partners in treason couldn’t railroad the thing through, he pulled it.
Now, that speaks volumes about its content.
Read the damned thing (no, I am not using profanity) and see if I’m not right. I cannot stand up to full examination in the light of day. It does NOT do what its proponents claim. All it does is make our country less secure, its borders MORE vulnerable, by rewarding outlaws and punishing those who seek to enter legally.
A very model of anarcho-tyranny. WHat Samuel Francis said in 2003 of the Patriot Act is even more applicable to this abortion of reason: “… it prefers to erode the freedom of Americans while aliens, terrorist or not, cross the border freely.”
Among many questions the bill raises, one politicians *spit* who favor surrender to Mexico (signled out because the Mexican government actively aids and abets outlaws seeking illegal entry into the U.S.), the one in the video below (h.t. The Amboy Times) is a standout:
Keep up the pressure on your congresscritters, folks. The Open Invasion traitors–basically the Dims, Felipe Calderon’s Lapdog and all the fake conservatives (AKA, “Lying Bastards”) in the Republican’t Party–haven’t given up, yet. They’ll be back with more lying, slanderous misrepresentations, denials and condemnations of Americans who want to preserve our sovereignty… what’s left of it, that is.
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