A Seriously Interesting Question

“Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell

The public schools in Washington D.C. are demonstrably the worst in the nation, which makes this observation and its following question items of serious interest to anyone concerned about America’s future (which, of course, eliminates D.C. politicians *spit* from the mix):

Congress constitutionally governs the District of Columbia. Let Congress take over the DC schools and do whatever it takes to make them work properly. Whatever it takes. It is constitutional, and a good example of a well run public school system would do far more good than the worse far worse than useless Department of Education. Let Congress show us how to have good schools; we are then more likely to listen when they tell us how to run schools in California and Kansas. But of course they will not do that.

Will it take bloody revolution to get decent public schools?

The crux of the problem with Pournelle’s proposal is this: “Let Congress show us how to have good schools…” Congress can’t, of course, because it is filled to the brim with poltroons, ninnies, crooks and self-made idiots. The vanishingly few “good” congresscritters are not enough to leaven the loaf.


And the self-made idiots who make up the sheeple-filled electorate do not make me hopeful that the poltroons, ninnies, crooks and self-made idiots will be kicked out within my lifetime or that of my children or theirs…

“Will it take bloody revolution to get decent public schools?” Will it take one to rid ourselves of these pestiferous poltroons, ninnies, crooks and self-made idiots who rule us? If so, I hold no hope there, either.

The second amendment was put in place largely as a defense against the tyranny that is growing daily from the fevered swamp of the feddle gummint inhabited by the poltroons, ninnies, crooks and self-made idiots who consider themselves our rulers. But we frogs like the growing warnth of the kettle we live in…

(I must remind myself that despair is a deadly sin.)

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, The Random Yak, stikNstein… has no mercy, Maggie’s Notebook, Adam’s Blog, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Connection Woes

Well, after a couple of particularly close lightning strikes (just a few feet north-northwest of twc central) and torrential rains and flashfloods in the area, cable is dead, and twc central is now limping along on a backup 28.8 dialup connection.

Don’t expect much until that changes. ๐Ÿ™‚

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