These are not the droids you are seeking…

Funny thing. I dropped in on my Statcounter page the other day for the first time in many months and discovered that… it had been tracking hits to my OLD hosting (which was still technically active through… yesterday) and even though I’d moved twc to its present home by the middle of January, that old, dead site was still getting 20-30 hits a day. And, of course, for whatever reason, Statcounter had no idea what’s been going on here since January.


Over half a million visits in the first five months in my new digs. Getting on toward 1.5 million page loads. Not earth-shattering, but I’ll take it. With the newest (to me: there’s still 2.3 to check out) WordPress update, I’ve even been getting less of a SPAM load, for whatever reason. Hits from search engines and from links on others’ articles are about even. I could wish for a better balance there, but I’m not complaining, since this is still just a way for me to let the voices in my head have something to do besides bug the heck out of me. *heh*

TTLB has finally put me back closer to a neighborhood where I properly belong–in the 150s/160s instead of 60s-80s where apparently it had me stuck for some time. It’s at least more in tune with the Technorati ranking, even though the arcane, idiosyncratic and obscurantist TTLB weighting system is still a mystery for the ages.

Now, if only I could bring myself to let the voices in my head comment more on the passing scene, instead of censoring them with, “What would Homeland Security have to say about that?” *LOL* Maybe Ole Mose will put in an appearance for the voices in my head and start preaching, “Let my people go,” sometime soon, who knows? 😉

Meanwhile, even if y’all don’t comment all that much (hear the bleg in my voice? *whine* :-)), it’s nice to know my voices aren’t “crying in the wilderness”.

Y’all come back now, y’hear?

Great Tip!

Suppose, in your wildest flight of imagination, “your” (definitely not mine! Never would have done such a thing!) child were to mark on your gorgeous wide screen flat panel TV with a Sharpieâ„¢ permanent marker. Destructo! Only options would be to throw out the TV and place the child in a barrel and feed them through the bung hole, right? (The Mark Twain Method of Childraising. ;-))

Another option from PC Mag’s DL.TV: mark over the Sharpieâ„¢ permanent marker with a dry erase marker, then erase that with a micro fiber cloth. Link to the video here. Watch the “Surface” video if you want, but click on the “Clean Panel” video link to see The Amazing Sharpieâ„¢ Cleanup! 😉

Oh, and need to “idiot-proof” the computing experience for someone? Check out the video on the “$99” Linux box while you’re there. Why the scare quotes? Cos it’s $99+$156/year for two year service contract. (But the service is what makes it idiot-proof.) $250 for a standalone version w/o the service. Neat lil box, a concept that’s usable in the real world by real people in real homes, unlike the Me$$y$oft Surface project that looks useful only in casinos or such.

Will There Always Be an America?

As I listen to the B.S. being propogated by the political elite about amnesty and witness their complete disregard for defending our borders, I realize that I may outlive the U.S.A… IF too few citizens fail to phone, fax and buttonhole their congresscritters, fail to start–for many for the first time in their lives–voting responsibly, instead oif for their own short-sighted good for their grandchildren and great-grandchildren’s good, then yes, I may very well outlive this country.

And that would be a sad event: witnessing the final dissolution of this republican experiment in limited representative government, for it would indicate that the representattion we the people have chosen are indeed what we the people deserve and are truly representative of us.

Gripe and complain about elite politicians ignoring “the wishes of the people” all you want, but if you have once voted your pocketbook, voted your greed, voted for the congresscritter who brought home the bacon, instead of voting for posterity, then you are as guilty of ignoring the wishes of people yet unborn to be free and to enjoy the liberties you take for granted.

Meanwhile, at the very least, take a CLICK on over to NumbersUSA and start sending those faxes and making those phone calls.

The unborn will bless you.

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Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, A Blog For All, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Wake Up America, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.