An “Intractable” Problem?

A commenter, Thomas, on the previous post shared this:

Without taking a position one way or the other, is there no more intractable issue than this one? I don’t see this ending well no matter what measures are taken.

My response to his comment was lengthy and so, as the prolix person I naturally am, I thought I’d bring it here… and expand upon it. 🙂 Please do note: I in NO WAY intend this as an attack upon Thomas. I appreciate his voice on his blog, and I appreciate his comment, because it points up the ambivalence many of us (including myself, despite what may appear to be my positions. I’m a bit more complex than this blog can show. :-)) on this issue.


“Intractable”? In what way do you mean that? If you mean, “Politicians and special interests will refuse to recognize what the polls say Americans want, border enforcement BEFORE any sort of accomodation of illegals is even considered (nearly 80% in the most recent Rassmussen polls), and insist on pushing through an amnesty program that will only exacerbate the problems we now face,” then I agree: the political elites are stubbornly insisting that THEY dictate their wills to the People.

If you believe that the problem of illegal aliens, between 80% and 90% ACTIVELY aided by a foreign government (Mexico) in their violation of U.S. sovereignty, is an intractable problem, then you are looking at the wrong problem as being intractable. We already have adequate laws to deal with the issue (I could wish for tougher laws, harsher penalties, for those who hire or otherwise aid and abet the criminal acts of illegal aliens), but those laws are not being vigorously enforced by this administration. In fact, this administration has done everything it can to hamstring LEOs in enforcing the laws, subverted justice to quench any active enforcement, allowed only TOKEN enforcement, at best (a recent “sweep” of a local business in america’s Third World County came only after months and months of warnings and a clear warning in advance of the “sweep”–and still over 100 illegals were gathered in, despite the fact that many (MANY) stayed out because they knew ICE was coming THAT DAY).

THE intractable problem is that political elites, and the special interests they cater to, want to erase America’s borders and will not let any truth or justice or even the slightest care for the future sway them from their course.

For the good of whatever of the Republic is left, Fifi needs to face impeachment for his malfeasance in office on this alone.

But he will not, because it is an issue on which he and his true colleagues (the Demoncrappic politicians *spit*) are in total agreement: surrender of our borders is paramount.

There is only one way in which this can end well. I am taken back to an old Carlyle Marney sermon about Elijah and his experience that most translations say was his hearing of a “still, small voice” but which Marney asserts was “stone silence”. Elijah had cried out to God, because the situation in Israel was hopeless under a cruel and caprisous ruler and the fecklessness of the people. Marney says what Elijah in his despair heard was not a still, small voice, but stone silence. Then the Lord spoke to Elijah and… told him to carry on and do what he had already been told to do. No New Word.

And that is the only course that will bring about a good end here: not moving the goalposts, changing the yardline measurements and throwing out the rule book but vigorously, fairly (which means UNIFORMLY) enforcing the laws already on the books. The LAWS, not some bureaucratic interpretation that waters down, enfeebles and in many cases completely anulls them. Enforce the laws, do the dog work of actually throwing the bums out (Eisenhower’s border enforcement policy proved that vigorous enforcement caused more than 10 times the number caught and deported to voluntarily deport themselves), painfully punish the empolyers who flout the laws and offer an expidited path to entry and citizenship for those who are now waiting in line legally.

None of this would require new laws. And all of it is completely do-able… absent willfull obstruction from malefactors in office, and the bureaucrats who serve them.

Lastly–here comes the expansion I warned about :-)–I recall a character of Robert Heinlein’s (no, I do not recall which one or the exact quote) saying something along the lines of “Stand for something! Always stand for something! You will sometimes be wrong, but if you do not stand for something, you will always be wrong.”

Or, as is attributed to Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

And make no mistake: those who actively work to subvert the laws of the land, to make outlaws comfortable while punishing otherwise law-abiding citizens, are evil. Not misguided. Not mistaken. Evil. ANd the work they do with their lies and corrupt intent is pure and unadulterated evil.

We have a term for such as this: politics as usual.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Committees of Correspondence, DeMediacratic Nation, Maggie’s Notebook, On the Horizon, The Pet Haven Blog, Webloggin, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, stikNstein… has no mercy, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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