“More bars in more places… “

[For more in response to AT&T wireless, see this *heh*]

Maybe AT&T Wireless has the right idea: more bars in more places=more drunks on cell phones? Well, at least more folks’d be anesthethized enough for the Death of the Republic to pass with less notice…

…the feeling I’ve been getting the past couple of weeks that I’m in Richard the Second’s London, up on the ramparts of the Tower, watching smoke rise in the distance from some manor or priory put to the torch by those pesky peasants, needs explaining. What’s going on? The Senate immigration bill is to be revivified this week, with a good possibility of passage. Says Paul Weyrich: “In all of the years I have been [in Washington] I never have known a time when the establishment really wants something that the establishment cannot obtain it. And the establishment really wants this bill.”

The “establishment”–the political elite, with President Felipe Calderon’s lapdog Fifi Bush in the lead, and its masters (Mexico and “big bidness”)–want to suck up to outlaws, drive down the American workers’ wages, erase our borders and surrender American sovereignty, so shaddup, little people!

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