On the bright side…

Imagine if this had happened in The People’s Republics of Massachusetts, California or Oregon…

“SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — A tour bus of U.S. senior citizens defended themselves against a group of alleged muggers, sending two of them fleeing and killing a third in the Atlantic coast city of Limon, police said on Thursday.”


…[Police chief Luis] Hernandez said authorities do not plan to press any charges against them, saying they acted in self defense.

“They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up,” Hernandez said.

Well, at least the rampant anarcho-tyranny plaguing citizens in this country hasn’t progressed (quite so far) in Costa Rica. If such an event had happened here, where Border Patrol agents can be railroaded into prison on trumped up charges simply for doing their job and substitute teachers can face 40-year prison terms for getting slammed by school district irresponsibility, the senior citizens (in their 70s) who defended themselves against armed robbery would likely have been slammed in the pokey, instead of commended for practicing their right of self-defense.

Anyone for retiring to Costa Rica, where goblins are apparently a no-tag, unlimited bag limit game? Maybe take along one of these? Or one of these? Nah. Both. In multiples.

It’s a thought, especially now that America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ has been invaded by WallyWorld, MacDonald’s and Disney has bought up a large tract of land. Moving to a third world (or even “second world” *heh*) country is starting to look more and more appealing. *sigh* Where disney goes, anarcho-tyranny is sure to flourish. Just ask all the folks under DRM threat. (Urm, that likely includes you, whether you know it or not.)

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Leaning Straight Up, Woman Honor Thyself, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Competition for NASA?

Well, not quite.

Utoobe has already pulled the video once because of copyright violation (it says–Utoobe is remarkably flexible and unreliable about claims like that), so I’ve just linked the video. As of now, there are scads of copies posted again, but who knows. See it while you can.

See the video (or not?) here.

h.t. Chaos Manor

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, The Random Yak, Allie Is Wired, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Adam’s Blog, The Pink Flamingo, Phastidio.net, Leaning Straight Up, Right Voices, Sujet- Celebrities, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.