Tuesday Linkfest/Scoring Education

Note the brief reference to some significant information about education in the U.S. below.

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Grades are rising but learning is lagging, federal reports find
High school students today have higher GPAs but lower skill levels, suggesting a failure of education reforms.

Yep, you read right: high school students are getting better grades than their counterparts 15 years previously, according to a data on high school students in the year 2005 compared to students in 1990.

And then there’s the gotcha: on standardized tests, reading skills are declining steadily (no surprise to readers of this blog… or anyone who’s been paying attention at all, at all) and math skills are lower than before, as well.

Move along. Nothing to see here but “No child gets ahead”…

Among other things, [Daria] Hall [assistant director of the Education Trust] said, the transcript study provided clear evidence of grade inflation, as well as “course inflation” — offering high-level courses that have “the right names” but a dumbed-down curriculum.

“What it suggests is that we are telling students that they’re being successful in these courses when, in fact, we’re not teaching them any more than they were learning in the past,” she said. “So we are, in effect, lying to these students.”

Well, duh.

[Expect me to refer back to this, as well as other information when I address the issue of public education in an upcoming “Mending Walls” post. Heck, just mark this place and I’ll just say something like, “Remember the decline in reading and math scores … ” *sigh*]

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