T-13, 1.17: 13 Reasons to Upgrade

Thirteen Reasons to Upgrade Your Computer

1. You are tired of typing TRS-DOS commands.

2. All your snazzy 5.25″ disks are beginning to wear out.

3. Getting tired of the 64K memory limits

4. You’ve heard that monitors can now produce more colors than black and green.

5. What’s this about “KROZ”? Is it more fun than Zork?

6. SOUND!!!

7. The 9-pin dot-matrix printer you hacked to work with your TRS-80 is down to 6 working pins

8. The monitor has severe screen burn-in from playing too many games of Pong.

9. You want to use your computer to do your taxes, but TurboTax doesn’t come on a 5.25″ floppy, and anyway, it won’t import your accounting info from your Visicalc spreadsheets.

10. Internet? That sounds cool…

11. Blogging. Heard about that, but thought there was a vaccine for that stuff. Anyway, not doing it on your Trash-80.

12. Been using your old CoCo to store your family photo albums (stacked on top) but have heard there’s a better way to use a computer for storing family photos.

13. Mice and computers go together? Who’da thunk it?

Noted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

Is Islam Evil? (repeat post)

Well, in a word, yes.

Read here, here and here for a start.

Or how about here, here and here.

Despite lying defenses by soi-disant “moderate” muslims, politicians *spit* and Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and all their partners in crime, the simple fact is that Muslims who engage in mass miurder, slavery, female mutilation and the murder of rape victims are well within the norms of the life and teachings of The Butcher of Medina. Muslims who fail to condemn, work to erradicate or even actively support those who genuinely and openly follow the true teachings of Mohammed (he who is the progenitor and prototype of all Islamic terrorism) are just as guilty of being “true Muslims” as the open practitioners of Mohammed’s example themselves.

There can be no true follower of Mohammed who is unwilling to follow Mohammed’s clear example and lie, cheat, steal, murder, torture and enslave others to further the sick cult of Mohammed.

Contrast that with followers of Jesus of Nazareth, He who condemned lying, cheating and stealing; who insisted that hating someone was as bad as killing them, condemned slander and praised doing good to one’s enemies.

It’s simple: monsters who claim to be following the founder of Islam are telling the truth. Monsters who claim to be following the founder of Christianity are liars.

It’s just that simple. Regardless of the monsters, for example, who falsely claimed to be Christian yet tortured and killed those whose theology differed from theirs in the Inquisition, their claim of following Christ in doing so is revealed as a lie by the very words and deeds of the Man whom they claimed to be following.

In contrast, the monsters who, even today, claim to be Muslim who torture, kill, enslave and brutalize those who differ with their cult are doing so in direct discipleship of the one who founded their religion.

Yes, Islam is evil. So-called “moderate” Muslims are either self-decieved or lying to everyone else. Any other conclusion is unsupportable by facts.

In closing, a little of the respect due the Butcher of Medina:

This has been a repeat flogging of the Cult of Evil trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck On Stupid, The Pink Flamingo, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Conservative Cat, Random Dream, Pursuing Holiness, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Happy Valentine’s Day/Wednesday OTA

I may or may not get anything else blogged today. *sigh* So, fill this up with some lovely reading, please.

And have a happy Valentine’s Day. Here, CLICK on the graphic below to enlarge it, print it out and color it for your Valentine:

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