Stop the ACLU

Lawyers representing a Massachusetts school district named as a defendant in a parent’s civil rights complaint have said teachers at Estabrook Elementary School have a “legitimate state interest” in teaching the homosexual lifestyle, and parents have no input into those decisions.

“…of the people, by the people and for the people”, taxpayers, aka parents “have no input into those decisions.” The “State” no longer serves the people, the people serve the “State”.

“A nation, as a society, forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father and third U.S. president (1743-1826), in a letter to George Hammond, 1792

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Tech Support/Weekend OTA

Yep: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Linkfest. You know the drill. More below the example of some folks’ tech support needs… (via my Wonder Woman’s email)

Oh, well. A service call’s a service call.

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