DHS Inspectors LIED to Congress About Border Patrol Case

See Heidi’s post at Euphoric Reality:

“DHS Inspectors Admittedly LIED to Congress About Border Patrol Case”

Did anyone really expect the facts to be otherwise?

(Thanks for the tip via email, Heidi)

Read Heidi’s post, then consider the lil tidbit I included in my own mailout referring to this travesty of justice (too bad that phrase has become trite; this is the mind of case it fits perfectly *sigh*):

It’s one of the best recent examples of what Samuel Francis called “anarcho-tyranny”–see:

Synthesizing Tyranny

The nut of the article (at least as far as this example is concerned):

“What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes…

…What really drives the system is the revolution of our time, the internal onslaught against traditional identities and values that is usually termed the “culture war.” When we think about which laws are enforced and which are not, this becomes clear.

The state today is perfectly capable of enforcing laws against illegal immigration and catching and deporting the illegals who are already here. It is also entirely capable of catching and imprisoning or executing the killers, rapists, and robbers who continue to haunt our streets and neighborhoods, just as it is entirely capable of catching speeders and red-light runners. The conventional conservative explanation of such “failures” on the part of the state, as the result of “weakness of will” or something, does not wash. The state and those who control it clearly have the will to enforce those laws they wish to enforce. The state does not “fail” to enforce the rest; it has no intention of enforcing them nor any desire to do so.

Anarcho-tyranny is entirely deliberate, a calculated transformation of the function of the state from one committed to protecting the law-abiding citizenry to a state that treats the law-abiding citizen as, at best, a social pathology and, at worst, an enemy. Having captured the state apparatus, the anarcho-tyrants are the real hegemonic class in contemporary society, and their function is to formulate and construct the new “culture” of the new order they envision, a culture that rejects as repressive and pathological the traditional culture and civilization.”

Were this sort of behavior present for the Founders to have noted, if would have been included in the “long train of abuses” noted in the Declaration of Independence. In fact, many of the abuses noted in that document seem eerily familiar nowadays…

Again, call your congresscritters and the White House. TRY to be polite (in spite of the fact that few politicians *spit* are due any respect at all, and their functionary shields due no more), SIGN THE PETITION and recruit your friends, aquiantances and strangers on the street to do the same. *heh*

Slow Tuesday?/Wednesday OTA

Open Trackbacks Alliance post. More below.

Have a few more than usual “Error loading page” or “Server not available” messages yesterday? If you’ve been paying attention, you already know that on Tuesday, 3 of the 13 root servers for the internet were “downed” yesterday by attacks apparently originating from South Korea (couldn’t have been North Korea: They don’t have enough electricity there to provide water pressure for toilet flushes… ).

Welcome to our own lil Brave New World.

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