Dear John

No, this isn’t a post telling John McCain to get lost (although I certainly wish he would, the slimy anti-free speech political hack *spit*). This is just a min-semi-almost-rant and FYI.

Lately, I’ve been back up to a couple thousand SPAMs a day caught in my SPAM queue. In the past, I’ve spent time daily weeding through as much of the SPAM queue as I could in attempts to catch the few legitimate comments/trackbacks wrongly labeled as SPAM. But the task is taking too great a toll, now. With only about 3 legitimate comments/trackbacks per couple thousand in my SPAM queue, that’s about a 0.15% return on my time invested. Not worth it, even with setting the scroll rate rather high and skimming as fast as I can, no matter how much I appreciate your comments/trackbacks.

So, while I’ll ALWAYS continue to check the moderation queue, from now on, whenever there are 500 or more comments/trackbacks caught in my SPAM queue, I’ll just delete them all without skimming through to catch the almost vanishingly few legit comments/trackbacks. If you think a comment/trackback of yours has dropped down the SPAM hole, drop me a line via email or comment on the post you tracked back to (with a link to your tb’ed post, if it’s a tb) and I’ll fix it. Keep in mind, though, that your comment/trackback may be in my moderation queue, and I WILL get to it there, as I do attempt to check that queue several times a day.

FYI Trackposted to Pet’s Garden Blog, Right on the Right, Rightlinx, Woman Honor Thyself, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Pursuing Holiness, and Conservative Thoughts, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.