Well, I got the itch. I realized that waiting to set up a PC-BSD comp til I built another box was just silly. I have too many other projects I’m behind on already. *heh* Sooo, took an Ubuntu/Ichthux box and partitioned the hard drive (yeh, this box has only one hard drive). Slapped Disk 1 of the PC-BSD install set in and re-booted.

Hey, nice! Easiest full install of an OS yet*. Less than 15 minutes and the install CD’s ejected and it’s time to reboot.

Boot Loader gives me a choice of Linux (F1) or PC-BSD (F3), as it ought to. Boots cleanly. Nice desktop, but resolution’s set too high for this 17″ monitor. Popup immediately informs me how to use the KDE Control Center to modify my environment. Since I’ve been off KDE machines for a while, that’s nice.

Next popup tells me there are updates available (since I downloaded the OS last week? Yep.) OK that and they just install.

OK, back to the Control Center. Oh, you noticed I didn’t have to configure my network in any way? Right. It just works, apparently. Back to the Control Center. I’ll just set the translucency levels and set the auto-raise to mimic the way I like to work for now.

Tramslucency levels? Yeh, kinda like Mac OS X and Vista. [Update: Yeh, I told the thing to emulate the Mac GUI. The Almighty Dock is on top of my screen, and just as with Mac OSX, it’s unmovable. *heh*]

OK, I’ll put a purty picture up for a desktop background, too.

Well, apart from having to use the crappy (but still worlds and away better than Internet Exploder) Konqueror browser to download Opera and install it (*heh*), everything Just Works and does so quite well indeed.

And yeh, download, CLICK and Opera’s installed. Oh, and getting to a download of Opera? Easy-peasy, in fact, even easier than the Freespire Click N Run system. Really easy.

I’ll live with this for a while, dual booting between Linux and PC-BSD, and see how I like it over the course of a couple of weeks. So far, though, no onions, only orchids for PC-BSD. I need to see if the software I use in Linux to manage my Palm will work in this OS, but since it’s touted as able to run Linux apps, it might well do just that.

Looking really good so far…

*Note: Puppy Linux is still all-time champ for shortest time to a usable desktop. But then, it just lkloads itself into memory and creates a dogone good-sized swap file without doing an actual install. Great lil OS. Fits on a credit-card sized CDR or a USB drive, easily.

Lunch: It’s Not for Eating

Not today, at any rate.

When we bought this house 12 years ago, it had all we needed going for it: 4BR–enogh room for two teenagers and us; two baths–again, juuust enough (heck, the kids could share :-)), other amenities like good neighbors (not so much any more *sigh*), and the pool and fenced yard were icing. I thought to myself, “Self, I could live in this house til I die and be satisfied.” And I meant it.

But there were little things.

The cutsy flowered wallpaper in the kitchen, dining room and carried on down the hallway to the “master suite”–*yech* Yeh, that went long ago.

The french doors to the deck were still in gray primer. Fixed years ago, as well.

Other little things.

But the doors. *sigh* All of them were hoolow core–including the front door! Made no sense whatsoever.

Well, I’ve dealt with some of them–front door war first, replaced with a nice 8-panel solid wood door. But the upstairs doors have been down on the list too long. Found a door for that bath–raised panels, only 1/8 inch too tall *heh*

Soooo, lunch was installing that door and getting it painted, “new” hardware (well, new to that door and location).

Big deal: it’s been so long since I used my hole saw that when I went to the place I knew it was… it wasn’t. An excuse to buy a tool. *Whoopee!* Bought a door ijstallation kit that replicated much of the same functionality and added a nice lil reusable plastic lock-on template. Nice. Sure, I could have used one of my routers to route out the places for the hinges, but with setup and teardown, well, for two hinges it wasn’t worth it. besides, the kit came with a new 1/2″ chisel, and I really enjoy shaving wood with a chisel.

So, hardware try-mounted and door works. remove hardware and paint.

Looks good. Install (quick-drying semi-gloss latex enamel).

Oops. Used the wrong paint. You see, we have two yellows. One that’s really light, almost Gurnsey cream colored (with a touch more yellow, maybe). Another is a richer yellow, used in the livingroom (really brightens the room!).

I had grabbed a can of the livingroom yellow. Really stood out next to the other yellow on the walls around the door.


S’OK. The paint was already dry. Slapped on another coat very, very quickly, of the right paint.

Now, see, there’s this about me and painting: I don’t like to do it. Oh, I like the results, but doing it… not so much. Still, do it right (even with the wrong paint *heh*) and there’s some enjoyment in the act for me anyway, because I learned much of what I do when I paint from my paternal grandfather.

Granddaddy was a “show and tell” kinda guy. Grew up as a working cowboy on the family ranch and became a far, far more literate man than I am. He made his living as a farmer, a carpenter and, for nearly 40 years, a postal worker. But it was as a handyman that he shared most of the times we spent together. He taught me how to hold a brush, and how to use the right brush for the job. So, today during lunch, when I used a 1″ natural hair detail brush to brush in the panels and a 2.5″ brush to do the frame (the stiles and rails), I held my brush as Granddady showed–and told–me to: like holding a pencil or pen, not in the “handshake” grip most folks use. (Try it: you’ll find it less tiring and the brush easier to control.)

And as I painted (and re-painted *VBG*) the door, I remembered times spent with Granddaddy and, as always when I paint trim or walls or suchlike, it made the job go easier.

Man! I think I want to paint some more now.



Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, A Blog For All, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, , Conservative Cat, LaTogaStrappata®, Rightlinx, , stikNstein… has no mercy, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, The Right Nation, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Lies, Damned Lies and “Racist” Lies

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By conservative (not Conservative) estimates, illegal aliens make up approximately 8% of the workforce and number anywhere between 12,000,000 and 20,000,000 in total population (yeh, some big families there), and of that number nearly 70% are Mexican.

Yep: 70%, or anywhere between 8,400,000 and 14,000,000 of the illegal aliens in this country are invaders from Mexico. I say “invaders” because the Mexican government actively sponsors and aids their defiance of our borders. Surely cassus belli for war, if ever there were such a thing. That’s between 8,000,000 and 14,000,000 criminals (border violation, identity theft, and more) the feddle gummint is doing damn all to protect its citizens from.

I’ve had subliterate morons suggest (suggest, hell! Outright flame!) that I am a racist for posting the following picture of the American flag flown upside down UNDER a Mexican flag–on American soil, no less!–and then suggesting that the proper response to that disgusting display would be to burn and trample the Mexican flag.


Of course, accusing me of racism for suggesting a measured response to those illiteratti who shout “Aztlan!” while disrespecting the American flag (on AMERICAN soil!) and waving Mexican flags ought to have their flag burned and trampled is a measure of just how very stupid these idiots are. I’d suggest they have someone read a dictionary definition to them, but then finding someone with words small enough to explain such a concept to idiots within the limited time frame of their wee little attention spans would render the task impossible. Heck, even attempting to drill through thick skulls to explain that “Mexican” is NOT a “race” would make the labors of Hercules pale in comparison. *sigh*

But all that’s not necessary, you see, because their charge of racism is disingenuous, false on its face, an attempt to discredit without making an argument or addressing the essential immorality of their position. Realizing this, it becomes readily apparent that arguing (or even “discussing vigorously”–which is what argument really is *heh*) with such cretins is simply playing tarbaby. The only possible argument with such as these is to SHOUT LOUDER AND LONGER THAN THEY DO.

Seriously. Not one single solitary self-made idiot who slings false charges instead of arguing their case will EVER be persuaded by honest argument. Indeed, honest argument will simply encourage them to shout liuder with ever more vigorously asserted false statements. With such persons, the ONLY remedy is force, even if only forceful words, repeated until THEY are shouted down.

Don’t get me wrong. As long as someone wants to make an honest argument, I believe the only right thing to do is listen and address their argument reasonably. But that is not what I have seen and heard from the open borders/”transform America into Mexico del Norte” crowd.

“They are doing jobs Americans won’t do.” Lie.

Continue reading “Lies, Damned Lies and “Racist” Lies”

Anyone know a secret Registry switch…

…to raise the level of difficulty in Freecell?


Yeh, yeh, I know there isn’t any such critter as a secret switch to make the Windoze Freecell harder, but it’s getting harder to maintain my interest in the game, you know? Another 10,000 games approaches…


If only the card games I’ve found for Linux weren’t so clunky…

Let me get this straight…

A real world description of insanity would include an observation that it’s insane to expect something that didn’t work when tried before to just magically start working if one tries it often enough. Kind of “If at first you don’t succeed, keep on trying the same failed process again and again and again and… ”

Example: butting one’s ehad against 300′ thick solid granite. Or, the 1986 amnesty for approximately 400,000 illegal aliens that resulted in, 20 years later, somewhere between 13,000,000 and 20,000,000 illegal aliens residing here. What part of this do congresscritters and President Bush not understand?

So, amnesty in 1986 yielded 32 to 50 times as many alien invaders as were here before that amnesty. Smart. So smart that, hey! let’s do it again! Not only that, but let’s give the alien invaders every crack at destroying our society that we can. Along with news out of Texas that the feds in the U.S. Attorney’s office have instituted a “six strikes and we’ll consider thinking about contemplating throwing your ass back home where you belong” policy with illegal aliens, comes the confluence of being easy on drunk drivers and the apparent “six strikes and a warning” policy:

Before being charged with killing a Porter woman and her pregnant daughter in a crash Sunday, Ignacio Gomez-Gutierrez had been convicted three times for drunken driving in Harris County, court records show.

His third DWI arrest, which would normally become a felony, was reduced to a misdemeanor, a move the mayor’s crime victims advocate calls a “pivotal moment” that ultimately led to the deaths of Maria Ortiz, 49, and her 18-year-old daughter, Vanessa, who was five months pregnant.

Records also show Gomez-Gutierrez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was never deported after serving his time in jail in 2002, 2004 and 2005. [emphasis added]

You’ll note that the article from the Houston Chronicle (h.t. Diane of The Trouble With Angels) has the wrong title, “Suspect in fatal crash had 3 DWI convictions” instead of the more accurate, “Illegal Alien Kills Three with the Aid of the Criminal Justice System and the United States Government (Thank you Mr. Bush!)” And the “pivotal moment” that led to the deaths was NOT when the third DWI was reduced to a misdemeanor. No, it was when his FIRST brush with the law didn’t result in his body (in whatever condition) being thrown over the Rio Grande, back where he belonged. THAT was the pivotal moment when the state of Texas and the feddle gummint both failed to protect those they are supposed to serve. And those who failed, at every step along the way, to kick this murderer-waiting-on-opportunity (that’s what drunk drivers are, you know; just awaiting the chance to kill you or someone else) back to his home for HIS government to deal with should recieve the same punishment he does, no matter what that may be.

Including being kicked out of the country. “Bye, bye, now! Y’all don’t come back.”

Just another data point in the “Let’s flush America down the toilet” program of our various governments… Anarcho-tyranny example number 1,254,892…

pinned to the BB at The Trouble With Angels midweek OTA and Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, A Blog For All, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Jo’s Cafe, Pursuing Holiness, LaTogaStrappata®, stikNstein… has no mercy, Overtaken by Events, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Wednesday OTA/What’s in a name?

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What’s in a name?

Followers of Mohammed are often called Mohammedans, because they claim to follow the teachings and example of Mohammed. Followers of Jesus usually call themselves Christians, because he was proclaimed by his followers to be the annointed one, the Christ. Both names label those who wear them as claming to follow, to emulate the one whose name they wear. Now, obviously, anyone who’s a part of a Western society and who has any knowledge of the New Testament teachings of Christ and about him will have a decent chance of spotting those who claim to be Christians but are not, simply by comparing their lives to the life and teachings of the founder of Christianity–and indeed, we can examine the lives of men throughout history who claimed to follow Christ but who plainly seemed to be liars. Abbot Arnaud stands as an historical example of one who claimed to follow Christ but showed no Christlike mercy when he commanded the Cathars of Bezier slain (and not just the Cathars, recall his famous words: “Kill them all; God will know his own.”) in 1209.

So, too, with Muslims (or Mohammedans). But discerning “honest” Muslims from those who are not true followers of Mohammed can be more difficult for one very important reason: true Muslims have no problem lying to or decieving those who are not believers in their cult. In fact, deception and lies are specifically taught by both the words and deeds of Mohammed, so how to tell when one is dealing with a true Mohammedan or not can be a tricky proposition. It’s safer to assume that anyone claiming to be a follower of Mohammed is what they say they are, regardless of what we can see of their actions.

Of course, if someone is openly emulating the life and teachings of Mohammed, then such a determination is quite easy, isn’t it? After all, where Jesus taught his disciples that self-sacrifice in service to others–including one’s enemies–was a positive good, and then demonstrated it in the crucifixion, Mohammed taught and demonstrated the exact opposite. Mohammed’s teachings and life are a seamless cloth of sacrificing others to satisfy his gluttony, his sexual perversion and his desire for power.

Muhammad was married to eleven women at one time, relegating them to either consecutive days or (according to some accounts) all in one night. He married a 9-year-old girl and even his adopted son’s wife. On top of that he had a multitude of slave girls and concubines with whom he had sex – sometimes on the very days in which they had watched their husbands and fathers die at the hands of Muhammad’s armies. [emphasis added]

The contrasts between Mohammed and Jesus are many, and in fact, you can just about take every single solitary virtue evidenced in the life of the Nazarene and find its opposite vice evidenced in the life of Mohammed.

And so might you know their respective followers. Sure, there may be some disciples of Mohammed who are not murdering rapists, thieving thugs and liars, but they’d be very poor Muslims to scorn the xlear example of the founder of their religion. And yes, it’s easy to find people claiming to be Christians who have not the slightest scruple that they in no way emulate or follow the life and teachings of the founder of Christianity.

Such faux “Christians” who have not one whit of shame for their lying claims would make good Muslims, don’t you think?

While you’re out and about today, why not drop in over at The Dhimmitude Network News?


Listing to Starboard IV


A list of my own and a linkfest list of your own.

Hugh sent me a link (to a link–*heh*) that led to…

Death by Re-creation

In 1991, a 57-year-old Thai woman Yooket Paen was walking in her farm when she accidentally slipped on a cow dung, grabbed a naked live wire and got electrocuted to death.

Soon after Paen’s funeral, her 52-year-old-sister Yooket Pan was showing her neighbors how the accident happened when she herself slipped, grabbed the same live wire and also got electrocuted to death!

It seems our congresscritters and president are bent on emmulating Yooket Pan. The 1986 amnesty for about 400,000 illegal aliens led to 13-20,000,000 illegal aliens today. So, what do they expect giving those millions of illegal aliens amnesty will elad to, eh? Be sure to catch that live wire as you slip, Mr. President… *sigh*

…look at the question: what is the real jihad, the jihad of inner, spiritual struggle or the jihad of war? Let’s turn to Bukhari (the Hadith) for the answer, as he repeatedly speaks of jihad. In Bukhari 97% of the jihad references are about war and 3% are about the inner struggle. So the statistical answer is that jihad is 97% war and 3% inner struggle. Is jihad war? Yes–97%. Is jihad inner struggle? Yes–3%.–Bill Warner

I’ve been meaning to post about why lying, cheating, stealing and barbarous murders are moral acts to Muslims, but this (moderately long) interview with Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam, at Frontpage Magazine does the job pretty well. Warner doesn’t say it, but the rock bottom takeaway for me is that Islam is crazy. Nutso. Insane. Oh, and evil, too.

Clinton fired 93 U.S. attorneys. No one really noticed at the time. *yawn* No news there, move along. As everyone, his dog and the dog’s fleas knows by now, Bush has let 8 U.S. attorneys escape into the wild. Horrors! And now congresscritters are all a-twitter. And some admin folks–mindful of the railroading of Scooter Libby, no doubt–are saying they’ll not “testify” before a panel of twittering congresscritters! The perfidy! *double yawn*

Oh, BTW, Clinton has said he won’t either. But since his testimony was solicited concerning another issue the Democraps really, really don’t want made much of (presidential pardons on his watch), expect this refusal to attend congresstwitters to go largely unreported by the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind. *heh*

“…the more time that children spent in child care, the more likely their sixth grade teachers were to report problem behavior.”

Well, duh. Fox News.

And even the New York Slimes reports on the study,

A much-anticipated report from the largest and longest-running study of American child care has found that keeping a preschooler in a day care center for a year or more increased the likelihood that the child would become disruptive in class — and that the effect persisted through the sixth grade.

Brave New World.

Oh, and those TSA watch lists?

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) said last year that his wife had been delayed repeatedly while airlines queried whether Catherine Stevens was the watch-listed Cat Stevens.

Ordung! That’s the problem with employing stupid people to be TSA goons: they don’t even know enough to know that they need to know more to do their jobs UNstupidly. And (even) “When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”

*sigh* Just more anarcho-tyranny, courtesy of our feddle gummint’s “How to Turn Citizens into Compliant Sheeple Subjects” program.

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Send a card

take a moment today to go to LetsSayThanks.com and drop a note of thanks to military personnel for their service. The web site

…gives you an opportunity to send a free printed postcard to U.S. military personnel stationed overseas showing your support and appreciation for their service to our country…

While you do not get to choose the recipient, you do have a choice of some designs drawn by schoolchildren to choose from, such as the one below (note: the designs are also available for download):
