Welcome to 2007/OTP

Happy New Year!* This is third world county’s first open trackback post of 2007. It’s up to you to make it worth reading. Simply link to this post and track back.

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Well, 2006 began with a semi-large personal bang—Diane’s gifting of a new home and new togs for the old Blogger-based third world county. As 2006 wended its way filtered through twc curmudgeonry, recipes, gripes, commentary, linkfests, horses and fawns (yes, still the all-time “most read” post at twc–go figure :-)), and Mohammed in a Pink Dress all made their appearance here, along with appearances by multiple excellent guest bloggers.

2007 will feature more of the same, and even more (reasoned) curmudgeonry. Expect a post–soon–on why personal attacks aren’t always bad things, for example. *heh* No sugar coated truths or sugar coated lies here. (That’s one problem with talking nicely to barbarians, poltroons and politicians *spit*. With so much sugar coating going on, it’s sometimes difficult to discern between the truth and the lies, for many folks.)

So, hang on. We’re in for a bumpy ride. And I’m gonna be kicking and screaming and calling names all the way.


(And no, in spite of this post’s time stamp, I did NOT stay up to “see in” the New year. It can find its way on its own with no help at all at all from the likes of me.)

Trackposted to The Right Nation, Blue Star Chronicles, Faultline USA, The HILL Chronicles, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Pursuing Holiness, and Madman Returns, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

*Happy New Year… unless you happen to classify yourself by your words and deeds as a Mass Media Podperson, Loony Left Moonbat, Academia Nut Fruitcake, politician *spit* or Muslim Savage (I know, I know: the last’s redundant). To all such, a pox on your house(s).

19 Replies to “Welcome to 2007/OTP”

  1. Pingback: Mark My Words
  2. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  3. Pingback: Mark My Words
  4. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  5. Pingback: Right Voices

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