T-13, 1.7–13 Reasons Why the Republican’ts Got Dopeslapped

[Stealing the time to make this one a “live” post, instead of the mostly-canned posts from my hand this week]

13 Reasons Why the Republican’ts Got Dopeslapped on Tuesday

1. Republican’ts=conservatives was a lie that the party faithful couldn’t buy, so why should anyone else?

2. Fumbling the ball in the Iraq end zone. Over and over and… (and not just in the prosecution of the end game, as number next will state)

3. Fumbling the ball in the war of words about the Iraq adventure (lame responses to next in line… )

4. Lies, damned lies and Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind “news” (coupled with lame-assed Republican’t whimpy responses to such) in the recursively echoing litany of lies as…

5. …the Democrappic Party adopted the lamest, most absurd fantasies of the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade and

6. An American electorate, enstupiated by pubschool “education” coupled with Mass Media disinformation (that an enstupiated public is ill fit to see through) and sheer laziness willing to buy the easy lies of the LLMB and MMPPH.

7. Oh, and the “Read my lips: no amnesty” White House lies along with

8. A (unfunded) Paper Border Fence

9. Republican’ts spending like drunken sailors

10. Fake Security Theater, disdained by anyone with the ability to count to eleven without removing their shoes at a TSA Checkpoint Charlie.

11. Increasing anarcho-tyranny (a la Martha Stewart, et-oh-so-many-al) encouraging more and more folks to view the fedgov “ins” as oppressive

12. Corruption… though not just among Republican’ts. The corrupt Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind also failed to report evenhandedly on the fact that there are just as many corrupt and scandalous Democraps as Republican’ts. Of course.

13. And last, but certainly not either least OR completing a list of all the reasons the Republican’ts got dopeslapped Tuesday, all too many stupid and/or lazy voters were not responsible enough, smart enough (*d’oh*) or lazy enough to stay away from the polls as I counseled them to do. I wash my hands of these lazy, irresponsible idiots. They have sown the wind, let them reap the whirlwind. I’m gonna crawl in a deep, dark hole and fort up. *heh* Come the apocalypse, all I’ll have to say to them is, “No soup for you.”

TB-ed to the Thursday Thirteen Hub. And to Planck’s Constant, where Bernie’s 13 things post highlights things the stupid and lazy voters (who should’ve stayed home) missed. And The Pirate’s Cove, where Dhimmicratic reactions to the Republican’t’s dopeslap are noted.

Stop the ACLU: So, America voted for change?

graphic courtesy of iHillary

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

So, America voted for change? They should be careful what they ask for because they will get it. For those that voted or stayed home in order to send the Republicans a message on election day…congratulations! Your all important “lesson” will now backfire in your face. You just cut off your nose to spite your face. Not only have you helped to give both Houses over to the left, put Nancy Pelosi in as the Speaker of the House, and completely destroyed any chance of getting a Constitutionalist majority in the Supreme Court, but groups like the ACLU seem to think this election was a mandate for their insanities. Look, you can’t say we didn’t warn you.

Yesterday voters nationwide rejected candidates who failed to uphold civil liberties and rejected ballot initiatives that undermine fundamental freedoms of all Americans.

“American voters have reinvigorated our system of checks and balances essential to stopping the abuse of power,” said Anthony D. Romero, American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director. “Voters finally had enough of the 109th Congress that repeatedly rubber-stamped legislation that violates our basic rights. Voters also rejected many state ballot initiatives designed to restrict civil liberties and meddle in our personal lives. The 110th Congress should take note – voters rejected political scare tactics and government power grabs in favor of civil liberties and policies that keep us safe and free.”

Ah, the old “Safe and Free” banner! Since when did the ACLU care about us being “safe”? So now the ACLU is promoting itself as a champion of both safety for our citizens and of freedom. What a joke! When 9-11 occurred what measures did the ACLU take to ensure our safety? None, zip, nada. This organization has done nothing to ensure our safety; in fact it has chosen to sue our government on behalf of terrorists outside of their legal jurisdiction while they were located in prisons on foreign soil.

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