Report on Easy Thanksgiving Meal

My battle plan for an Easy Thanksgiving Meal worked like a charm.

The turkey breast was the moistest, most succulant white meat I think we’ve ever had. While the quadraplegic bird was defrosted when it began its 15-hour sojourn in the rice cooker, not a burn was to be had. A teensy bit of browning on the upper portion of the bird, cos I put it in with the breast down (for thatt purpose and to make stuffing the cavity easier).

The potatoes were cooked to perfection. A lil shuashing with a fork and they recieved additional gravy easily. And the gravy? Yum. Yeh, I used a mix and a lil more water than called for, to surround the bird and be a partial bath for the potatoes (which nevertheless came out as though they’d been roasted instead of boiled), but with the juices from the bird, the added onions, celery, carrots (some in the stuffing and some whole or coarsely-chopped around the bird with the potatoes) and sage and pepperuffing and on the bird), the gravy was tasty indeed.

The bread made in the bread machine, with ground flax seed and Post All Bran cereal added in place of some of the flour, was terrific, a keeper.

Lovely Daughter dressed up the canned cranberry sauce with some live cranberries and I added some sprigs/leaves of mint from the flower bed around our front walk.

Oh, and I have a pledge from Lovely Daughter to send me her recipe for “smashed yams”. She twice-baked yams, scooping the innards out of baked yams and spicing ’em up, then returning the smashed yams to the yamshells (*heh*) for the second bake. Delish.

My modification of her pumpkin bread recipe underwent further mods: reduced the molasses by 1/2 (substituting brown sugar). Worked well.

All-in-all, not only the easiest “traditional” T-Day meal I’ve prepped, but it was also just as delish, if not more so, than most I’ve had.

Yum. Easy. Delish. Right up my alley.

Happy Anniversary to Me! /OTA

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Yes, as I mentioned yesterday, today is the anniversary of the day I struck it rich in the Life Lottery, and my Wonder Woman, despite all factors to the contrary, bound herself irrevocably to me. I say “irrevocably” because, well, she did something that’s becoming rarer and rarer nowadays: she made a committment. No, really, not the “committment” of many couples to “stick together until I get bored, something better comes along or times get tough.” No, she’s someone with an even rarer affliction (in the eyes of today’s “grups”), an adult with a keenly-developed sense of morality and ethics that views a committment, a promise as, well, real.

And how can a yutz like me respond with anything but a like committment to someone such as she?

So, happy, happy, joy, joy! 🙂 Twenty-eight years and—mirabile dictu!—she still loves this yutz. Lucky (or more accurately, blessed) guy, me.

Thank you, Wonder(ful) Woman!

Do note the posts Carl (The World According to Carl) asked me to check out: the first is a perfect example of why I have opted out of after-Thanksgiving shopping (yep: all finished for this year, well before Thanksgiving) and the other is just plain interesting. Thanks for the advance tipoffs, Carl. There, I’ve salted the mine, as it were, so y’all just chime on in with some more interesting reading, wouldya?