Christmas Alliance 1.3, A different solution to worldly woes

As an antidote to my previous post, here’s a better answer to the planet’s woes, here is the first of this season’s music presentations. Note: this is an excerpt. Buy the CD for the whole thing.

Here are a couple of verses of Charles Wesley’s text usually set to the tune, HYFERDOL by Rowland Prichard (played above):

Come, Thou long-expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a Child, and yet a King,
Born to reign in us forever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit,
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all-sufficient merit,
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

Unfortunately, the CD that this is excerpted from, Winterlude — Instrumentals for a Contemplative Christmas ~ John Darnall (Artist), et al, is OOP, but the link does lead to some copies still available through

TB-ed to a recent Random Yak Christmas Alliance post, cos I don’t know where else to tb Xmas Alliance posts. *heh*

Read some boring music talk below the fold

Continue reading “Christmas Alliance 1.3, A different solution to worldly woes”

Finally! THE solution to the planet’s woes!

A post by Angel, of Woman Honor Thyself, tangentially reminded me of a video I caught on YouTube recently. Below is a shorter version of the YouTube video, a long rambling conspiracy theory rant by someone who is either a genius beyond my mental capabilities to comprehend or who seriously needs his meds moderated…

The original long form rant is here, in case you wonder if the above was taken out of context in order to make the speaker seem crazier than he is (it wasn’t and he really is that crazy).

The sad thing is that, while I ran into quite a few who believed as this guy now does when I lived in “the good part of the ghetto” back twenty-five years ago, they were many fewer in number then than now, if I can trust my memory at all.

Blame it all on whitey (or whoever/whatever group the punching bag du jour is). The cry of folks who refuse to take responsibility for their own failures.

I wonder what Basil thinks of this…

The Ratchet and the Governor – Tools for Today – Part I

Black September Gang Member 1970

(disclaimer: may not be in the exact chronological order, and will not list each and every act of terror, but a good list is linked here)

The Olympics in the 70s.
The US Embassy in Iran.
Marine Barracks, Beruit
Leo Klingenhoffer on the Achilles Lauro
Lockerbee, Scotland.
Discos in Germany where US Service members congregate
Bombing of embassies in Africa,
Swarming over the “Mog”
Continue reading “The Ratchet and the Governor – Tools for Today – Part I”