Teenage Girls Exploding

By: Angel

GAZA CITY (AFP) – A Palestinian teenage girl has blown herself up in an attack against Israeli troops, as Israel pressed an offensive in the Gaza Strip that has left 55 Palestinians and one soldier dead in six days.

Four Palestinians, including three militants from the armed wing of the ruling Ham–as party, were killed by Israeli troops as a fourth Pal–estinian succumbed to his wounds and the woman staged a suicide bombing.

Woman in suicide attack as Gaza death toll tops 50

An Israeli soldier was lightly wounded …

Nevertheless Defence Minister Amir Peretz vowed that Israel’s Operation Autumn Clouds would continue until its objective to lessen rocket attacks on the Jewish state was met.
Israel launched its latest blitz aiming to stop militants from launching rockets into its territory, but 36 such rockets have struck the Jewish state since last Wednesday….

This just in.
One thing A-rab women are good for: spontaneous combustion.
Ah, but wouldn’t her “meat be uncovered” if she blew up to smithereens? Just askin.

And our ever so loyal Mainstream Mafia reporters say:

The ultra-radical Is–lamic Jih-ad claimed responisibilty.
Who in the blazes (no pun intended) is the “ultra-radical group.”?
Oh wait. They must mean Muzzlim “terrorists”!

But fear not, Ham–as, the “ultra-rad group” calls upon their own women, (you know those left-over “pieces of meat”)… to be human shields for their armed terrorists holed up in mos-ques.

That, they’re “good for.”

They encourage their ahem “women” to use their full body coverings as disguises for bombs.

That, they’re “good for.”

And…Who cares if they have now successfully put all A-rab women at risk. If they get shot at, they can always accuse the Israelis of gunning for ahem…”innocent civilians, like women and children” eh?

Oh. and one more thing…….
Did you happen to notice that the Mainstream Mafia reporter waited till paragraph three to even make note of Israeli casualties?
Just askin.

Let’s be honest. Muzzlim women are hidden like show dogs, until they are needed to die for the cause. Applaud the muti-culturalism all. Great cultural show indeed.

Come to think of it sweet friends, The MSM has been at its worst since they started calling A-rabs in Israel by the fictitious name “Palest-inians” and the ancient homelands, that always belonged to the Jews,.. the “West Bank”.


As seen at WomanHonorThyself


[Note: yeh, yeh, I know next week’s gpoing to be a bear for scheduling here at twc, so this is pre-posted, canned, in the bag… Read it anyway, please, even though very few readers of this blog will need to follow the urging below. But do feel free to pass it on to those who DO need to hear this lil message.]


This post is a result of an experience my wife and I had when voting at out polling place in “the good part of the ghetto” in the 1980 elections. As we approached the polling place, an elderly woman approached us and asked, “How am I supposed to vote?”


This notice is to everyone who is too lazy or stupid to have done their homework on the issues and candidates:

If you aren’t well-informed enough to know the issues and where the candidates actually stand on them; if you do not know the FACTS of the candidates records; or if you are too stupid to understand those things, let alone the various disingenuously-stated amendments, propositions or other measures on your ballots,


Voting is not a privilege; it is a responsibility. If you don’t have the mental horsepower to clearly understand what you are voting for or are simply too lazy to do your homework ahead of time,


Tacked to the BB at DeagonLady’s World.

Guard the Borders

twc is honored to x-post this Guard the Borders blogburst post by By LomaAlta at Linknzona For those of you who have not read his blog, remedy that, soon. He does a great work in dealing with border security/immigration issues. A must-read blog, IMO.

NOTE: This Blogburst is also available as a Podcast.

Why the United States Has Lost So Much in Latin America

By LomaAlta at Linknzona

The facts are not in dispute. During this Administration’s watch the geopolitical situation in Latin America has deteriorated well beyond the tragic losses of any previous Administration. Communist tyrants rise in Venezuela, Bolivia, and now Nicaragua and socialism is on the march in other countries. President Reagan’s successes in spreading democracy and freedom in Latin America appear to have been stopped. Let’s examine some of the possible reasons.

Negligence. This Administration appears to be focused on the war on terrorism, particularly the Middle East and has neglected the problems arising in the countries of our neighbors to the south. Indisputable evidence of Middle Eastern terrorists increasing their presence in Latin America and illegally crossing our southern border with help of Latin American gangs is readily available [1]. These facts have been well known for years but emphasizing them goes against President Bush and his Administration’s open border, pro-illegal immigration policies as well as against most of the Democratic leadership and their Mainstream Media. Thus, little is heard about this growing threat. Even less is heard about its impact in Latin America. This leads directly to the President and his Administration’s relationships with Latin American leaders and through them, its people.

Submission, not Partnership.
Latin Americans, and particularly Mexicans, like most people, respect power and its just and successful application. In addition, the cultural implications of power and weakness are viewed through the lens of machismo throughout Latin America and especially in Mexico [2].

The USA, as the world’s undisputed Super Power, must look weak and ineffectual to the rest of the World and downright mariposa-like to our friends south of the border as it panders to Presidente Fox, leaves its borders open during war time, and sacrifices the security and well being of its citizens to foreign invaders. Such weak and foolish behavior engenders disgust and dislike of the USA throughout Latin America in proportion to how much they take advantage of us. Mexico is first in line, of course, but can you imagine a president of any South American country calling our President the devil at the UN in New York? Hugo Chavez, the dictator of Venezuela did exactly that this fall. There were no repercussions. This will embolden other thugs and bullies to spit in our President’s face and regard the USA as a weak, stumbling, and blinded paper tiger.

Bumbling. How unsuited for representing the USA is Secretary Condi Rice? With the exception of John Bolton at the UN, I have yet to see any diplomatic courage and vision from this Administration. It seems Secretary Rice has fallen into the trap of so many of our diplomats. She sees her clients as other diplomats, world opinion is of paramount importance to her, and the national interests of the USA appear to be lost in the swirl of trips, functions, receptions, parties and all types of activities we call “form over substance”. A good example of this is diplomatic meddling in Nicaragua [3].

This is a brief overview of how the Bush Administration has mismanaged USA activities and interests in Latin America. Why is this Administration so much worse than previous ones? Previous administrations have bumbled, submitted to Mexican presidents, and neglected Latin America. But President Bush is the first president to put the interests of a foreign power – Mexico, above the interests of the USA.

How can a foreign leader respect a President who does not put his country first in negotiations? We all grew up with bullies. The vast majority of us learned that the quickest way to stop a bully from attacking or extorting something from us was to resist, and, to fight back if necessary. Sure it was scary and rough to be hit or beaten; but just the knowledge that you would not submit was almost always enough to send the bully in search of weaker victims.

Bullies are cowards and seek out the weakest victims they can find. The weaker you are, the more the cowards bully you, and the less they respect you. This is true on every school ground; and it is true among nations as we have learned over and over. To be weak is to invite attack.

For a nation to submit is for it to surrender its freedom and sovereignty. This is the principal reason our relations with Latin America are so bad and why communism is on the rise again there. The USA, through President Bush and the political leadership of both parties, has submitted to Mexico. Illegal immigration is the occupation of one peoples’ country by another people. President Bush not only submits to Mexico, he encourages and supports their continued bullying.


[1] For example see: Daniel Sheehy’s 2005 book, “Fighting Immigration Anarchy”, AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, 329 pp, and J. D. Hayworth’s 2006 book, “Whatever it Takes”, Regency Publishing, Inc., Washington, DC, 230 pp.

[2] ma•chis•mo

Pronunciation: (mä-ch?z’m?, -chiz’-, mu-), [key]

1. a strong or exaggerated sense of manliness; an assumptive attitude that virility, courage, strength, and entitlement to dominate are attributes or concomitants of masculinity.
2. a strong or exaggerated sense of power or the right to dominate: The military campaign was an exercise in national machismo.

[3] More freedom lost in Latin America?

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our Blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to admin at guardtheborders dot com.

Valour-IT: Get Yer AUCTION Items HERE!!!!

OK, the kind owner of Truth Laid Bear, NZ Bear, has set up an auction page for us. No as formal as ebay, but, there are some incredible items to be had.

Here’s the deal: Those of us focused on the Valour-IT fiund raiser at close rnage will know about this. Those wandering about in the rest of the universe will not. Your assignment, kind readers, is to spread the word far and wide and close by, to get the juices flowing.

The Auction page location is here. Clikc on the the link, I dare you…and, get youe wallet ready!

At this very moment, it appears that the only takers are the Navy, with 13 items up for bid. at least we’re ahead somewhere! GO TEAM NAVY!

Chapomatic has graced us with a set of four wine goblets from COMSUBGRU SEVEN, posters of USS TEXAS, a SAC and a USN Challenge Coin.

Bubblehead of “The Stupid Shall Be Punished” blog has coins and a key chain from the pre-comm unit for USS SEAWOLF (SSN-21). This is a “class ship” (names the class of units that follow) of the subs built after the LOS ANGELES (SSN-688) Class.. Little pieces of history here. Great for military collectors.

Jason of has listed two copies of the book “No HIgher Honor,” the story of the USS SAMUEL B ROBERTS (FFG-58) when she hit the mine in the Persian Gulf. Exceptionally well written, balancing detail with readability. Reviews on his site from the crewmen compliment him for telling the story well. Brad Peniston (the author), with personalize each copy for the purchaser when he signs them before shipment. Brad was responsible for connecting Valour-IT to the Army Times reporter who got the story on the web and I understand it will be in print this week.

Neptunus Lex has offered up many items. Two flight suits, actually worn on combat missions (but he’s washed them), a pilot’s helmet (cracked, but still a great conversation piece, and ball caps from the Geroge HW BUSH or RONALD REAGAN carriers. Oh, and then there is a printed out and signed copy of his onlone novel or blogvel, “Rythyms.”

Her’es my advertisement for Le’xs book (feel free to cut and paste this into an email you’ll send to everyone you know, and add to it if you’re read his work!):

What if you had the chance to own a draft copy of “THe Hunt for Red October” or “Team Yankee,” before anyone in the publishing world had heard of guys named Clancy or Coyle? What would that be worth, not only in bragging rights, but in terms of real historical value? A soon to retire Navy Captain, and F/A-18 aviator for his entire carrer, with shipboard, command, and TOPGUN instructor jobs in his wake has typed out a read that certainly equals, if not exceeds the fine works of those action novel authors we have come to see being wildly successful. “Rhythms” is such a work. In the auction to support Valour-IT, you have the truly rare opportunity to cheat history and get you own original, signed hard copy of this novel, that not only puts you in the cockpit, but make the adrenaline flow as if you were there. Gripping, edge of your seat, begging for more emotions will overwhelm you as you take a journey from the deck of a carrier launching combat missions, into the minds of the pilots as they focus on putting ordnance where it counts, and also below decks, where the many thousands make it possible. Expensive prpopsition? Sure, but how much would you pay for theat draft of “Red Ocotber” if you had it all to do again? And, oh, NOT AVAILABLE IN ANY STORE NEAR YOU (or not near you)!


This Is a Test…/OTP

This is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

While I do not entirely subscribe to the views expressed below, I do thank GM Roper for finding this puppy, cos it’s at least one constructive way to look at this coming Tuesday… (And yeh, if you click the link above to GM’s site it’ll take you to the same audio file, so why not CLICK this one instead and read some of the rest of his posts?)

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