Malice? Stupidity? Or both?

Heard/seen Kerry’s latest piece of stupidity? STACLU runs it as “Kerry’s Apology To The Military” but I beg to differ with that characterization. [UPDATE: it seems STACLU agrees and has modified the title to “Kerry’s Non-Apology To The Military”–and rightly so, Jay. 🙂 ]

“…I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended….”

What?!?! That’s not an apology! A decent, honorable, honest man would have said, instead,

“I am sorry I said that educational failures end up in Iraq. Yes, I know we have thousands of military personnel serving in Iraq, and that my words were a direct and insulting slander of those in the military serving in Iraq. I was wrong, and I apologize.”

But Jean Fraud sKerry (Or John F. Kerry as he wishes to be known) demonstrates once again that he is not a decent, honorable man with his disingenuous weasel words. “I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted…” is not the way to make an apology for slanderous, insulting, fighting words, Jean Fraud.

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Yep. Others are noting that Jean Fraud’s “apology”–isn’t an apology at all. Start at Woman Honor Thyself and start paging through links.

And note the comments from Move America Forward “below the fold”…

Continue reading “Malice? Stupidity? Or both?”

Never ascribe to malice… /OTA

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By now, everyone and his dog has heard Jean Fraud sKerry’s latest faux pas:

“You know, education – if you make the most of it – you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Now, granted, Jean Fraud sKerry’s slander of those who served in Vietnam is a matter of well-established public record (read the linked material only if you have a barf bag and your high blood pressure meds handy). Such previous slander makes it very easy to discount Jean Fraud’s after-the-fact disclaimer that he was referring to President Bush in the remark above. but considering also sKerry’s lifelong record of foot-in-mouth disease, it’s almost as persuasive to consider the old maxim,

Never ascribe to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity.

Just a thought.