Live Post: Thanksgiving Dinner Prep

Well, my “battle plan” for an easy T-Day dinner is well under way. The turkey breast is in the rice cooker (which has just clicked over to from “cook” to “slow cook”–@ about 180 degrees fahrenheit) along with some medium-sized red potatoes, quartered, some turkey gravy fixin’s and as much stuffing as I could fit inside the cavity of the small, quadraplegic bird (just the breast portion of a a small turkey, that is, minus legs and wings).

Lotsa dressing left over (crumbled cornbread, poultry seasonings–like sage, lots and lots of black pepper, etc.–onion and celery, etc.) and put in a baking dish to join Lovely Daughter’s “smashed yams” and green bean casserole in the oven.

The pumpjin bread’s making in the bread maker and everything except the liquids is measured out for the wheat/bran/ground flax seed egg bread that’ll go in the bread maker in the a.m.

I’ll be sure and post about how it turned out, but so far, easiest thanksgiving meal involving turkey and fixin’s I’ve tried. (All-time easiest Thanksgiving meal: second-day—or third-day, when it’s even better—chili. Yum. It’s what I’d fix for Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, by preference… cos I’m a very lazy cook, of course. :-))

So, Who are you thankful to?\OTA

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I hear a lot of talk this year about thankful for this, thankful for that.


So, WHO do you thank? I mean, if you have things to be thankful for, surely someone recieves your thanks, or is it just some nebulous No One (who, really, would deserve thanks for Nothing, if at all, don’t you think?).

Being “thankful” and not thanking SOMEONE, someone specific, is not being thankful, it’s just mush.

Look deeply at the things you are thankful for. SOMEONE other than yourself alone is due thanks for the blessings of possessions and health, family and friends… and it ain’t you, cos no matter what lies our society tells you, neither you nor anyone else—and certainly not I—deserve all the blessings y’all have. Oh, maybe you “deserve” some, but never all.

So WHO do you say “Thank you” to?

Better make a long, long list.

Tomorrow, I’ll post in this space about someone who knew much more about thankfulness than you very likely ever will. Oh, yes I will. Wanna bet?