More of That Dam*ed Global Warming…

25 degrees fahrenheit and falling… at around noon today.

Good thing I had nowhere pressing to go and had stocked up on essentials (coffee, etc.) earlier this week, cos the car doors are frozen shut with freezing rain, sleet and finally snow, and the strrrets nearest us are still too hazardous to walk (drive, maybe, should I decide to take extreme measures and unfreeze car doors).

Of course, sarcastically titling this post “blaming” cold weather on “global warming” is as disingenuous as global warmists/climate change alarmists blaming local occurances of excessive heat, flooding or whatever on “global warming” or “climate change” (whatever that means: the climate has a history of changing, ya know… it’s the nature of, urm, nature to do so, ya see).

So, grabbing another cuppa joe, sitting back and working on some knotty network issues (resolving another “These OSes don’t wanna talk to each other nicely” thingy–*heh*), kicking back with my Wonder Woman (who’s off today cos schools of all kinds closed all over the area w/in a 35-50 mile radius–heck, Son&Heir even has the day “off” to work exclusively on some papers instead of sitting i n classes).

The dogs are enjoying their thick fur coats (heck, Leo’s coat is so oily, the ice crystals barely stick, and Buttons’ coat is so think, all the ice does is add more insulation. *heh* They’re happy campers in the cold, moreso than in the heat). The cats are going crazy in the rather sudden weather change. Naturally. Cos they can.

Snow. Kinda nice change.

One of our Good Neighbors is off across the creek (just outside city limits) burning some gathered tree limbs and leaves. He tends to do that when wet is coming down pretty strongly. Smart guy. Less chance of fire spreading, although the creek and his close supervision pretty much assures no threat to houses nearby, anyway.

Spread some of the coffee grounds Lovely Daughter gets from Starbucks for us (to use primarily as a soil amendment) on the drive and walk to aid in melting ice/snow, instead of adding salt to the area. Works fairly well, but I’m not using coffee grounds on the car doors. *heh*

Lazy day. I think I’ve been needing one of those.

Stop the ACLU: ‘Tis the Season

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

Its that time of the year again. The time when the intolerant grinches like the ACLU start trying to fill their stockings with your tax dollars in their attempts to secularize Christmas. The ACLU try their best to deny their attacks on Christmas. They call those defending Christmas the well organized extremists out to make a buck in the guise of defending Christmas. This is of course false. The Alliance Defense Fund, just like last year, are offering their services to defend Christmas completely FREE!

However, the lies continue again this year as the ACLU denies their attacks on Christmas. But their actions speak louder than their words.

Already the ACLU have begun their attacks. They have already been successful in bullying the Berkley City Council into moving their Christmas nativity scene off public property. This, despite the fact that the display also included other religious and secular elements including a Star of David, Christmas trees, a Santa Claus figure, a Santa’s Mailbox, and a “Seasons Greetings” sign.

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU: ‘Tis the Season”

Islam Vs. the West 1.1: so what’s the big deal?

I think I’ll break this down into small, bite-sized chunks for anyone who wishes to discuss. Heck, if a literate Muslim can be found to make argument with these bite-sized notes, I’d welcome the dialog.

So, just one difference per post, OK?

In general, Muslim societies and Western societies have a great divide when it comes to individuals either telling the truth or lying. There is a general agreement that lying is bad, except…

Among Muslims, lying to a family member, particularly a subordinate member of a family lying to a superordinate member. But all other lies fall into the “it’s only bad if you get caught and there are consequences you cannot avoid” category. Otherwise, lying to anyone to gain an advantage is actually viewed as a virtue. And lying to non-Muslims is a virtue enshrined into the teachings of Islam as al taqiya, so-called “holy lies.”

And no, lies by so-called “moderate” Muslims that this is not true Islam are exposed by the simple method of examining the life and work of the founder of Islam. After all, Mohammed’s first “great victory”–the slaughter, pillage and enslavement of the Jews of what is now called Medina–was the direct result of Mohammed lying to the Jews in order to effect their surrender. This is bloody, savage, treacherous event is celebrated by all Muslims during Hijrat, and in fact, it is the treachery at Medina that marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar!

Continue reading “Islam Vs. the West 1.1: so what’s the big deal?”

Christmas Alliance 1.4: The Nativity

The American Heritage Dictionary says of “nativity”

na·tiv·i·ty (n-tv-t, n-) …
n. pl. na·tiv·i·ties
1. Birth, especially the place, conditions, or circumstances of being born.
2. Nativity
a. The birth of Jesus.
b. A representation, such as a painting, of Jesus just after birth.
c. Christmas.
3. A horoscope for the time of one’s birth.

[Middle English nativite, from Old French, from Latin ntvits, from ntvus, born. See native.]

It is, of course, the second meaning that various elements of society want to expurgate from our lanbguage today, or at the very least remove from public discourse as “offensive” to some.

And it is because of antipathy to that second definition that this movie is not allowed to be a sponsor of this celebration [h.t. Whizbang!]. Ironic, since it chronicles the source of the whole thing.

Alexandra has reprinted a NewsBusters article about the movie that’s banned from sponsoring the Christkindlmarket in Chicago:

Continue reading “Christmas Alliance 1.4: The Nativity”