Teenage Girls Exploding

By: Angel

GAZA CITY (AFP) – A Palestinian teenage girl has blown herself up in an attack against Israeli troops, as Israel pressed an offensive in the Gaza Strip that has left 55 Palestinians and one soldier dead in six days.

Four Palestinians, including three militants from the armed wing of the ruling Ham–as party, were killed by Israeli troops as a fourth Pal–estinian succumbed to his wounds and the woman staged a suicide bombing.

Woman in suicide attack as Gaza death toll tops 50

An Israeli soldier was lightly wounded …

Nevertheless Defence Minister Amir Peretz vowed that Israel’s Operation Autumn Clouds would continue until its objective to lessen rocket attacks on the Jewish state was met.
Israel launched its latest blitz aiming to stop militants from launching rockets into its territory, but 36 such rockets have struck the Jewish state since last Wednesday….

This just in.
One thing A-rab women are good for: spontaneous combustion.
Ah, but wouldn’t her “meat be uncovered” if she blew up to smithereens? Just askin.

And our ever so loyal Mainstream Mafia reporters say:

The ultra-radical Is–lamic Jih-ad claimed responisibilty.
Who in the blazes (no pun intended) is the “ultra-radical group.”?
Oh wait. They must mean Muzzlim “terrorists”!

But fear not, Ham–as, the “ultra-rad group” calls upon their own women, (you know those left-over “pieces of meat”)… to be human shields for their armed terrorists holed up in mos-ques.

That, they’re “good for.”

They encourage their ahem “women” to use their full body coverings as disguises for bombs.

That, they’re “good for.”

And…Who cares if they have now successfully put all A-rab women at risk. If they get shot at, they can always accuse the Israelis of gunning for ahem…”innocent civilians, like women and children” eh?

Oh. and one more thing…….
Did you happen to notice that the Mainstream Mafia reporter waited till paragraph three to even make note of Israeli casualties?
Just askin.

Let’s be honest. Muzzlim women are hidden like show dogs, until they are needed to die for the cause. Applaud the muti-culturalism all. Great cultural show indeed.

Come to think of it sweet friends, The MSM has been at its worst since they started calling A-rabs in Israel by the fictitious name “Palest-inians” and the ancient homelands, that always belonged to the Jews,.. the “West Bank”.


As seen at WomanHonorThyself

3 Replies to “Teenage Girls Exploding”

  1. “Let?s be honest. Muzzlim women are hidden like show dogs, until they are needed to die for the cause.”

    Or needed for sicko multilation or rape and murder (for being raped)…

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