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By now, everyone and his dog has heard Jean Fraud sKerry’s latest faux pas:
“You know, education – if you make the most of it – you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
Now, granted, Jean Fraud sKerry’s slander of those who served in Vietnam is a matter of well-established public record (read the linked material only if you have a barf bag and your high blood pressure meds handy). Such previous slander makes it very easy to discount Jean Fraud’s after-the-fact disclaimer that he was referring to President Bush in the remark above. but considering also sKerry’s lifelong record of foot-in-mouth disease, it’s almost as persuasive to consider the old maxim,
Never ascribe to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity.
Just a thought.
All this whining about an apology is damn near as pitiful as the latest slander by Jean Fraud sKerry, Gigolo.
As a combat veteran who didn’t run at the first opportunity, I *DO NOT* want an apology from the fraud. I want the following:
1) His resignation from the US Senate;
2) Him to shut his mouth & go back to the Heinz “Poodle Kennel” and KEEP his mouth shut!
Of course, Hugh, that would be a step in the right direction toward a meaningful apology for his decades-long slander of those who served in Vietnam (as well as for this latest piece of crap).
But he cannot make any meaningful admission of wrongdoing, because he almost perfectly fits the diagnostic criteria for M. Scott Peck’s definition of human evil in “People of the Lie”.
A perfect apology would be for him to admit his decades-long slander, his direct dealings with an enemy during time of war, his continuing and current slander of troops and then to go home and emulate Richard Corey.
Hmmm, why is mine always a ping and not a trackback?? Silly WordPress. Anyway, I think it’s horrible but what else did you expect from him, eh?? Now I hope he crawls back into his hole and shuts his mouth for a bit…
For those who may have missed this, may I point you to the following: Viet Nam Veterans Legacy Foundation, Col. George E. “Bud” Day (Director and President).
The VVLF page concerning their current law suit against Kerry, et. al.