OBL dead?

[Maybe NSFW, unless in a medical establishment… Definitely not to be read while eating ice cream. Or chocolate. Or chocolate ice cream.]

Yeh, it’s been all over the news, blogs, etc. for the past coupla days. OBL dead? I’m not exactly sanguine…

OTOH, if he died of typhoid, then he died as he lived… running off at the mouth… or what passes for one among Al Qaeda circles.

typhoid fever… loss of appetite, nosebleeds, cough, and diarrhea… [b]y the end of the third week the patient is emaciated, abdominal symptoms are marked, and mental disturbance is prominent

Hmmm… there’s quite a bit of that that sounds like SOP for Al Qaeda and their ilk. Of course, the normal Al Qaeda scum is marked by prodigious reverse peristalsis diarrhea, since every word they utter is spewed feces.


I just started reading a book by an author who is new to me.

I think I’ll probably not be able to finish it, despite the fact that the premise is interesting and the characterization of the protagonist is also interesting.

The problem? The author is just too darned subliterate for me to ignore her abuse of language.

Second paragraph: “…they did peak her interest about other areas…”

That’s “pique” not “peak”. A peak is a high point, not an arousal or excitement (as of interest, e.g. “pique my interest”).


My disinterest begins to peak…

Further down the page, one of my favorite gripes: “…there’s bound to be different interpretations…”

Nope. “There ARE (there’re) bound to be different interpretations” would be correct. “There IS (there’s) bound to be A different interpretation” is also correct, but “there’s bound to be different interpretations” is just stupid.

There’re more such stupid usages. All in the first coupla pages.

The author of this book (and no, I’ll not name either the book or the author; I’ll not inflict that pain on anyone else) shouldn’t get any play until she learns her craft properly. And since this author’s somewhere in her 60s, time’s running out for her.

Oh, and her editor/publisher should use hemp neckties to rid the world of their subliterate incompetence as well.

*profound sigh*

People who murder the English language for pay (and, of course, politicians and Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes all fall into this category as well) really need to be introduced to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether for remedial instruction.

Highly intelligent stupidity

When viewing Bill Clinton’s recent defense of his eight years of inaction and ineffective waffling in the face Islamic terrorism, I was reminded of words put into the mouth of Antonio Barberini* by Eric Flint and Andrew Dennis in 1635: the Cannon Law. It seems to me that, like the character referred to in the fictional account, Bill Clinton has the uncanny ability to

“…bring more brain-power to bear on being a fool than most men could exert in the profoundest philosophical inquiry.”

*Yeh, the book’s an “alternate timestream” kinda thing and Antonio Barberini was a real person in history suited out to play a part in it.