I’ll take what I can get…

Good news, that is.

Iraq reports al-Qaida’s No. 2 captured

Yeh, it’s good news, on balance, even though ya realize these Moose-limb Mohammedans are masochists. They just love getting roughed up six ways from Sunday. And the 6-to-1 kill ratio (dumbass Moose-limb Mohammedan savagess to U.S. troops in Iraq) seems like a sweet deal to these idiots.

So, more “leadership” holes in al Qaeda. Good news, but I just wish they’d get the message: getting their tickets punched for hell early is better for us than for them.

(OK, OK, so “Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi, known as Abu Humam or Abu Rana” wasn’t killed but captured. That’s just a formality, cos he was “arrested” for “supervising the creation of death squads and ordering assassinations, bombings, kidnappings” and more. Think he’s not in for the long drop, eventually?)