No Guard the Borders post today…

…since remembering 9/11 is today’s subject. But just a reminder: every single one of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers was in this country illegally at the time of their terrorist act.

Every. Single. One.

So, for all those political poltroons pimping amnesty (yes, you too, Mr. Bush), remember this: failure to enforce immigration laws, crack down on forged and hijacked SS documents, etc., cost American lives on 9/11.

Every single solitary politician pimping amnesty is a terrorist enabler and should be prosecuted for treason, because of their deliberate failure to vigorously protect our borders.

Every one.

Including Especially those in the administration who refuse to vigorously enforce the laws now on the books that are designed to guard our borders.

Remembering Robert Edward Pattison


When Robert Edward Pattison died at the age of 40 on September 11, 2001, I was about 1,500 miles safely to the west in America’s Third World County. I did not know Robert Pattison then, and because of some brutal savages there’s no possibility I ever will in this life. The scattered references to his life paint him as a guy who’d known some hard times and cared enough to help others who were struggling, as he had been helped in his turn.

Mr. Pattison was a broadcast/transmission engineer with WCBS-TV. Bob, as those who knew him seem to have called him, worked in the transmission center housed on the 110th floor of the North tower of the WTC which was the first impacted. The transmission center continued to send feed of the event–including its own fate–up until shortly before the tower collapsed.

Imagine that. Cut off from escape at the top of the tower. Maintaining the news feed. No escape.

No one knows exactly how Bob Pattison died, but we do know who killed him: faithful Mohammedans following the literal teachings of their religion. Never forget that. Robert Edward “Bob” Pattison was just a regular guy doing his job when Islamic savages crashed a commercial passenger jet into the North tower of the World Trade Center, killing those on board and sentencing Bob Pattison and the others trapped with him above to a horrible death.

Never forget.

I won’t.

A fund has been started to help Bob’s family along with all the families of those transmission engineers and electricians who died in the WTC on 09/11/01.

IBEW Disaster Fund NYC, Inc.
c/o Local 3
158-11 Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Avenue, 4th Floor
Flushing New York 11365

Yes, it’s five years later, but “Never forget” means Never forget.


(The only picture of Robert Pattison I could locate. Even this picture that must have been 20 years old at his death says something important about him, I believe.)

To view more from the 2996 project, CLICK HERE.

Noted at Stop the ACLU’s “Open Tribute” post, “Remembering 911”.

9/11 Trackback Day

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