A potentially useful resource

Congress.org might be useful as you attempt to keep track of your congresscritters’ shennaegans. A recent mailout included the opportunity to “vote” on some issues (and submit emails to one’s own congresscritters), an invitation to check on congresscritters’ voting and attendance records and more. Sample:

…vote for the one idea you think Congress should adopt by clicking once on the “Best Idea” link next to your favorite.

– 92 Percent Agree: No Pay for Congress When Approval Under 50 percent
Agree| Disagree | BEST IDEA
– 52 Percent Agree: Raise the Minimum Wage Every Four Years
Agree | Disagree | BEST IDEA
– 77 Percent Agree: Replace All Taxes With a National Sales Tax
Agree | Disagree | BEST IDEA
– 73 Percent Agree: Drug Tests for Those on Unemployment/Welfare
Agree | Disagree | BEST IDEA
– 82% Percent Agree: Constitutional Amendment – Right to Privacy
Agree | Disagree | BEST IDEA
– 75% Percent Agree: Remove All Overseas Troops and Put Them on U.S. Borders
Agree | Disagree | BEST IDEA

OK, so you know how I “voted” 🙂 In addition to simply “voting” in a poll, the links lead to pages where you can send emails to your congresscritters. Mine referring to the “No pay for congresscritters… ” link included my assertion that congresscritters’ family income should be limited during their terms of office (and for a decade thereafter) to NO MORE than the median income mof those they represent. Oh, that one will fly… (straight to the circular file).

We don’t need a Constitutional amendment to protect our privacy. What we need it citizens who run congresscritters outa office when they enact bills that enable bureaucraps and LEOs to invade our privacy… and a Constitutional amendment requiring all adult American citizens who have the right to vote to WEAR a loaded sidearm at all times. Adjunct to that MUST be an amendment restricting the right to vote in such a way as to exclude ALL feddle gummint employees who are NOT active duty military, as well as ALL persons who recieve income in any other way from the feddle gummint.

That’d go a long way toward getting the feddle meddlers outa our pockets, outa our homes and outa our lives, sending them back to the fevered swamps of D.C., where they belong.

As to bringing the troops home to protect our borders… well, that’d be hard cheese for some Iraqis, and it’d pretty much show the EU up for the bankrupt economy it is (and likely put a pretty big spike in the South Korean economic “miracle”), but tough luck. Send the Kurds all the military (hardware, intel) aid we can and let the Sunni and Shiite population of the rest of Iraq iron out their own feuds.

Use our troops on our borders to turn away (or shoot) illegals who try to cross. First option, of course, would be to turn ’em away, but if they come armed or resist, just send the bodies back.

That would free up PLENTY of resources to

a.) enforce existing laws against hiring illegals, benefitting ALL citizens of our country (even those cheap bastards who hire cutrate illegal workers would benefit in the long run).
b.) spur development of alternative energy (a few hundred billion hwere, a few hundred billion there, and pretty soon we’d be selling nuclear-generated electricity to Canada at cut rates they’d not be able to compete with, electric cars would become really practical–at least for city use, and funds for Izlamic savages would start to dry up a tad)
c.) have enough left over to send out any black ops teams anyone’s heart could desire to sow dismay in the hearts of Izlamic savages faced with an eternity in hell, courtesy of their own choices and a little introduction to Satan via a .50 calber bullet in the brain from one of these:

Of course, since all of this is simple common sense, none of this has ANY chance of surviving a pack of congresscritters…

Stop the ACLU: Parental responsibility attacked

[N.B. As indicated in the post title, I feel the issue outlined below is more one of undermining parental responsibilities than “rights” but you be the judge, eh? —mnmus]

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

The ACLU thinks that parents have no right to know if their pregnant underage daughter is seeking an abortion.

vs. America

80% of Americans think that parents have the right to know if their minor daughters are seeking an abortion. (CBS News Poll July 13-14, 2005)

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU: Parental responsibility attacked”

Dandelion Whines: Matthew 6: 28-29

“Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

While my neighbors—indeed, almost all of contemporary culture—may bitch and moan and rage against nature, I take comfort in the beauty of the humble dandelion.

Weeds are mostly in the eye (and heart) of the beholder. Let me submit for your consideration the lowly dandelion. Was there ever a more beautiful yellow, a more deliciously luscious green? What a feast for the eyes!

And yet, our culture considers the dandelion to be a pest plant; not merely useless, but something to be eradicated. *sigh* Useless? Every part (excepting the seed puffball) of the dandelion is edible. The greens cleaned and steamed or boiled are not only tasty but highly nutritious. The root, after cleaning, peeling and then blanching, boiling or roasting is also highly nutritious and useful in many ways. And even the yellow bloom is nutritious and a treat for both the eye and the tastebuds in salads.

And what can I say of dandelion wine?


And, as much as our society spends to eradicate this nutritious food and lovely flowering plant, it thrives in spite of all the poisons thown its way. And have you ever attempted to pull a dandelion to get rid of the “weed”? Unless you get every last piece of the root, it’s more than likely to simply grow back.

Lilies of the field? Nah.

“Consider the dandelions how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

No matter how our society’s warped values may deem the dandelion to be an obnoxious weed, children who are as yet unpolluted by the depraved value system that would deem such a radiently bold and beautiful flower a weed, bring their mothers glad bouquets of dandelions every spring.

A tip o’ the hat to the Maniyak, who adroitly states the opposing view. 🙂

(The long time reader–all one of you–of twc will recognize this as a retread of a twc@blogspot post from May of 2005.)

Lil Roundup


Justa few quick hits.

Lisa has the Carnival of the Vanities up at Lil Duck Duck. Drop by and leave a note saying, “You’re so vain… ” eh? 🙂

Dead Guy on the Sidebar‘s a new blog run by Lady Diane. Seems “Dead Guy” was taking over at Diane’s Stuff and needed a home of its own. Drop by and play a round for me, wouldya? You might just win a crown. I’m currently in the running for the “Dead Guy in the Sidebar” dunce cap, since I royally suck at the game. 😉

Interesting article, Pope Prepares to Embrace Theory of Intelligent Design. Strangely, coming from The Guardian, it’s a rather even-handed article. MQ:

The Pope also raised the issue in the inaugural sermon of his pontificate, saying: “We are not the accidental product, without meaning, of evolution.”

Maybe this will bring back my fav troll (whose comments are now always blocked, because he resolutely fails to either make an argument or provide a real email address) to foolishly rant about “Intelligent design does too equal creationism.”


Christopher Hitchens: “Plame Out”—slamming the lid on the stinking corpse of Plame-Wilson lies.

Rick (The Real Ugly American) points to what is probably the definitive piece on the Qana “massacre” written by Bernice Lipkin, Just read it.

Well, I said it was a few quick hits. Maybe more later, but given the day facing me, probably not. L8R.

On the BB at TMH’s Bacon Bits and Adam’s Blog and Stuck On Stupid.

Fair Tax

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post. Link to this post and track back AFTER reading the Fair Tax post below, please. I’d not ask so strongly, but your children and grandchildren will have cause to bless or curse you for the attention you give (or do not) to this issue.

More on linkfests below the post.

Debtors’ Prison [Click image for larger view]

By now it should be no surprise to folks who read here regularly that I score somewhere between Ayn Rand and Neal Boortz (and other contemporary self-proclaimed libertarians) in viewing government as a necessary evil, as charted on The Pournelle Political Axis. Today’s Fair Tax blogburst post by Julie of Degree of Madness demonstrates an unecessary evil perpetrated by bad tax policy… bad tax policy and unecessary evil that would be a thing of the past under the Fair tax.

Follow-up on last week’s Blogburst about the outside collection agencies the IRS is employing to collect delinquent taxes.

On August 23, this was the headline: IRS Warns Against Phony Debt Collectors.

The IRS warned taxpayers Wednesday not to be duped by scammers posing as private debt collectors the agency has hired to chase unpaid tax debts.

The program isn’t even in place yet and concerns are already being raised, and not just by this Blogburst writer.

The Internal Revenue Service designed the debt collection program to minimize that risk “because we know what it’s like out there with regard to identity theft nowadays,” said Brady Bennett, IRS Director of Collections.

The IRS designed the program to minimize the risk. Well that’s comforting. The IRS is looking out for you.

And this article addresses something I wasn’t sure about and that is whether the private collection agencies would have access to social security numbers. They will.

The IRS plans to give the collection agencies basic identifying and account information about the chosen taxpayers, including their names, addresses and Social Security numbers. The agencies do not have access to tax returns.

Also from the article:

Continue reading “Fair Tax”

Ahhh, memories…

This brought back a memory—

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) – CNN apologized Tuesday after an open mike transmitted an anchor’s bathroom conversation with another woman live over the network as it was carrying President Bush’s speech in New Orleans.

“Live From” anchor Kyra Phillips had apparently left the set around 12:48 p.m. EDT Tuesday for a bathroom break while the news channel carried Bush’s speech marking the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Phillips’ wireless microphone was turned on and picked up about a minute and a half of a muffled conversation she had with an unidentified woman where she apparently talked about her husband, laughed and talked about her brother….

No, I’ve never taken a “tinkle break” while wearing an open, live mic, but…

I recall the hidden grins some few of us shared before (and during and for a bit after) a “big wedding” (moneyed folks, “snagged” by a money-hungry preacher for his church, for his wonderful production of a wedding ceremony) one time. You see, the pastor had a habit of simply turning on his own wireless mic and leaving it that way, trusting to his hand-picked sound guy to leave the mic “off” at the board until it needed to be “on”… and “hand-picked” failed to have it off one day. The day of the “big wedding” for the monied folks said pastor had his eye on for further milking.

(Yeh, I knew the guy well. An ego that had him convinced he excreted vanilla ice cream… appropriately enough for this lil vignette.)

Right before the ceremony was to start, the minister decided it would be best to take a preventative potty break. Hand-picked sound guy was… out of the booth, just farting messing around, soooo… The entire potty session was clearly transmitted and played over a very fine, high-fidelity sound system. Zipper, jingle of pants pockets contents, rustle of fabrics, tinkle, urm, etc., and grunt/sigh of relief, among other amusing sound effects.

I guess ya just had to be there, but the experience had everyone (except the folks paying the frieght) pretty much trying not to guffaw out loud the rest of the afternoon/evening… and on into several weeks.

Didn’t do him a world of good, sad to say, because his ego refused to take it in stride. And learn a little humility? Fuggetaboutit!

Maybe it wasn’t a newsmaker like CNN’s (most recent) gaffe, but it did make for a memorable experience.

Long time, no raspberries

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It’s been a while since I ragged on Jean Fraud sKerry for his assinine lies, lack of honor and overall bullshittiness. In fact, the only real defense he’s mounted against calls for honesty from him has been to stonewall and count on folks to simply lose interest.

Well, that certainly seems to be working.

But you see, that’s one of the really important issues facing our society today: lies are perfectly acceptable. Slander (Jean Fraud’s slander of those who served in Vietnam, particularly) is cool. Who really cares? Honor is trash. Justice is… maleable, simply a tool for bureaucratic anarcho-tyranny.

Jean Fraud sKerry: poster boy for dishonorable conduct for the 21st Century.

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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven


Heidi’s post for this week’s blogburst extracts some lengthy comments from a new book that some might miss because the author is a bit… pugnacious, shall we say… *heh* I think I need to get my own copy.

State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America

State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America

By Heidi at Euphoric Reality

Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.
-Arnold Toynbee

Wide open and unguarded stand our gates, and through them passes a wild motley throng.
-Thomas Bailey Aldrich, “Unguarded Gates,” 1895

You cannot become thorough Americans if you think of yourselves in groups. America does not consist of groups. A man who thinks of himself as belonging to a particular national group in America has not yet become an American.
-Woodrow Wilson, Address to New Citizens, 1915

Those who favor unrestricted immigration care nothing for the people.
-Sam Gompers, founding president, AFL, 1921

Why was the border guard so thin? Did the Romans not notice…that their way of life was changing forever?
-Thomas Cahill, 1995

No society has a boundless capacity to accept newcomers, especially when many are poor and unskilled.
-Robert Samuelson, economist and Newsweek columnist, 2005

We can’t protect our own borders.
-Donald Rumsfeld, November 29, 2005

The following excerpts are all from a new book, State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America. Many people may not read it because of the political baggage of the author, but I’ve read the book, despite my disagreement with the author on other issues, and it is entirely right on the money when it comes to the invasion of our country by foreigners. It occurred to me that many people may miss out on the common sense found within its pages so I’m excerpting a little bit of it here for those who may never read the words otherwise.

Continue readingIMPORTANT Guard the Borders IMPORTANT

Four Things, Yea and Five

This is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back. More below the post body.

Walls that need mending…

Of the critical issues facing the West in general and the U.S. specifically, four are standouts, and they all have their roots in the same bed of manure. Here’s a very short presentation of those issues.

Borders: Linknzona has the best roundup of the essentials, and of course, Euphoric Reality provides a weekly blogburst on this tiopic. I’d boil it down to security and justice. No country that will not vigorously defend its borders when necessary can call itself a nation for long. And no country that requires only some of those entering it to do so legally can claim any justice. Absent justice, a democratic republic… isn’t.

(Oh, and see this post by Angel at Woman Honor Thyself. She tracked it back but the blog monsters ate the trackback. 🙂 It’s germane to the borders issue.)

Islam. No, not the “GWOT”–Islam. Unless and until a majority of the population of Western countries (and the U.S. in particular) are able to call the primary enemy of the West by its true name, Islam will continue to convert Western democratic societies into barbarous totalitarian states, by outbreeding the demiocrats of by killing them; either method suffices for its purposes. See Woman Honor Thyself, All Things Beautiful and others in my blogroll for frequent wakeup calls.

Education: Many serious problems with education in the West–not just U.S. public education (AKA “prisons for kids”). As long as schools are teaching children lies under the cover of “tolerance” and “multiculturalism” we will continue our slide into darkness. Add that serious problem to the fact that, at least in American schools, we are turning out generations of subliterates and there might seem to be no hope at all.

Taxation: I could say economic issues in general, but it seems to me that a majority of economic woes faced by the West can be laid at the feet of politicians having altogether too much control over the pocketbooks of their serfs. (Yeh, I said that. Have you talked with your Congressman or Senator and NOT been treated like a nobody?) Too much money in politicians’/government hands = too much power where it simply does not belong in a supposedly democratic society.

But the roots of these problems can be revealed in two statements that should be the guiding lights for anyone concerned with correcting the course of Westertn Civilization:

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.”—James Burnham


“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.” —R. L. Dabney

“It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.” Rings out loudly in the face of the FACT that Saudi Arabia, our “good buddies” in the Middle East, are still major financers of Islamic hate and outright terrorism, while BOTH so-called liberals and so-called conservatives clutch the greasy Saudi “princes” to their bosoms, doesn’t it?

Neither the faux liberalism spawned by an unholy bastard issue of genuine liberalism and communism/socialism in the 20th Century nor the faux conservatism that simply slops along happy as a puppy to follow wherever “liberalism” leads (while simply lying about being genuinely conservative) can preserve (or resurrect) the Republic the Founders handed us, nor can these opportunistic fake opponents save what was once the nursery of Western Civilization, while Mohammedans are allowed to invade and outbreed Europeans by multiples of 5 to 1 or more.

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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

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