Fair Tax/OTA

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Now, on to the Fair Tax blogburst. Today’s blogburst features a few letters to editors and editorials from several newspapers around the country, collected by Terry, of The Right Track.

Folks, because “repetition aids learning” I’ll say it again: your grandchildren will either bless or curse your memory depending on how you decide to jump on this issue. Choose well.

by TD of The Right Track

A quick and dirty search through Google News for articles, news, and editorials revealed no less than 14 pieces written in the last month regarding the FairTax. Fully 1/3 of those were editorials agreeing with the need for the FairTax.

A sampling:

From the Denver Daily News, an editorial titled “FairTax, not flat tax, needed to fix nation’s taxation woes“:

Dear editor,

The IRS needs to be eliminated and replaced with the FairTax, not the flat tax, as suggested by columnist Aaron Harber in Monday’s Denver Daily News.

The flat tax changes absolutely nothing — the IRS, tax code, regulations, 16th Amendment, corporate taxation and payroll taxes (the way Social Security is funded) stay exactly the same under the flat tax.

At best, the flat tax is temporary, the wrong direction to move towards simplification.

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