For a month of “fasting” Ramadan sure moves slowly…

Hey, boys and girls! Let’s all show our tolerance—nay! our overwhelming support!—for the “Religion of Peace” *choke-gag* during the month of Ramadan. I say lets get a movement going to collect food for these stone age savages and ship it by the cargo container lot to alla those poor, needy Mohammedan savages. How about this as a menu suggestion?

Hey! At least then they could have more brains to play lying, savage, muderous brutes with than they have now… and with the added dietary cholesterol, maybe they’d find their trip to Islamic “paradise” (read, “the ninth level of hell”) hurried along, too.

I wish I’d said that… /OTA

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Click on over to Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor Musings to see what the following is in response to…

The purpose of TSA is to demonstrate to the people of these United States that we are no longer citizens. It serves that purpose well. We are now subjects, and we are to be deferential to those who cannot get better jobs than as TSA screeners. As you say, the disruption to air travel is an effective tool of economic warfare. Even as insanely rich as we are, this is costly. And of course the principle of “equality” (meaning equal misery) demands that we treat 80 year old grandmothers exactly the same as we treat bearded young men clutching Korans and glancing nervously about.

Our masters have gone barking mad, and there seems to be no way to cure this. Electing Democrats won’t do it. They’ll do worse.

Competent Empire we might be able to tolerate. What we have now is clowns in command.

While you’re there, search his site for other references to the Thousands Standing Around… *heh*

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