OBL dead?

[Maybe NSFW, unless in a medical establishment… Definitely not to be read while eating ice cream. Or chocolate. Or chocolate ice cream.]

Yeh, it’s been all over the news, blogs, etc. for the past coupla days. OBL dead? I’m not exactly sanguine…

OTOH, if he died of typhoid, then he died as he lived… running off at the mouth… or what passes for one among Al Qaeda circles.

typhoid fever… loss of appetite, nosebleeds, cough, and diarrhea… [b]y the end of the third week the patient is emaciated, abdominal symptoms are marked, and mental disturbance is prominent

Hmmm… there’s quite a bit of that that sounds like SOP for Al Qaeda and their ilk. Of course, the normal Al Qaeda scum is marked by prodigious reverse peristalsis diarrhea, since every word they utter is spewed feces.

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