Someone had to do a study for this?!?

Report Critical of Training of Teachers.

MQ starts with the lede:

Most American teachers are trained in university programs with low admission and graduation standards, and with faculty members and courses that are often unimpressive and disconnected from what takes place in elementary and secondary schools, according to a study released yesterday.

Some education departments and schools should be shut down and others need vast improvement, said the report, “Educating School Teachers,” released by the Education Schools Project, a research group.

Well, duh. Anyone with more than two active brain cells knows that. If the “education system” in America were a person, it’d need another neuron just to make a synapse.

#6,258 of “Things any rational person doesn’t need to be told”

Is there any doubt that many (perhaps tending toward most) Feddle Gummint judges have their brains surgically removed before taking the bench?

Exhibit number (many–larger than I have time to type, maybe a googleplex squared):

US federal judge declares boating illegal in all US navigable waters.

Also evidence that jackasses don’t like boats, I would guess.

This example of anarcho-tyranny provided by Roland Dobbins

OTA Wednesday/Mini-roundup

Note: Yeh, I know this is up kinda late. Server problems at fatcow’s end this ayem. And I have no idea when they fixed it since I’ve been out for the past four hours… so here’s Wednesday’s OTA post

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Now, the roundup.

Tired of BSODs and such? Don’t spend a fortune buying one of the new INTEL Macs for the Unix-core OSX. Try out Puppy Linux or Ubuntu. I just put Puppy Linux on an OLD 266Mhz comp with a 2gig HD and only 64MB of RAM last night. Ran like The Flash. Minor configs (which the connection wizard walks anyone, even of the “Aunt Tilly” kind) and on the internet and cruising with no problem. I use two other “flavors” of Linux—one is Ubuntu, another is a stripped down Slackware with command line-only for use as a firewall—on a couple of other computers and haven’t had an issue with them yet. Recommended. Oh, and the newest Puppy Linux distro will fit on a “credit card” CD and boot as a live session, so you don’t even have to actually install it if you don’t want to.


On a tip from STACLU, I had a chuckle when I read about the ACLU being sued for invasion of privacy and defamation. Rich. The sanctimonious, pusillanimous, hypocritical terrorist-loving bastards… May 1,000 flying camels deposit turds in their soup.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the DLC has had its tax-exempt status revoked. Oh, dear. What will they do for slush funds now? (Yeh, like that’ll make a difference.)

A little over a week after observing rememberance of 9/11, Edward Feser discusses why so many dumbasses still cling to idiotic conspiracy theories about the event. Worth a read.

Bou laments bureaucratic nonsense. (Remember: medical privacy laws and regulations are NOT in existance for the reasons they say; they are there for two primary purposes: to protect the doctors and to make medical care more expensive and inconvenient. *heh*)

Lady Diane has a roundup of a different sort. Why, she even mentions necktie parties in America’s Third World County. (I’ll have to see that Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether send her an engraved invitation to the next one… ;-))

Don Surber notes something I take as another good reason for the Fair Tax (cos it’s FAIR, that’s why… *sheesh*)

Kat told me to feel free to post at Cathouse Chat while she and her family are in Hawaii, but I’ve been enjoying her Hawaii posts too much to break up the flow (although, yeh, one did sneak in… ). Here’s one; check out at least a few of the others (including the video tour of their timeshare). Have a great time, Kat! Keep those “cards n letters” comin’!

Well, I did say a “mini-roundup” so that’s all for now.

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