#5,396 of things I didn’t know I didn’t know

(…and wish I’d never learned…)

Did you know that in order to become Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had to have his balls surgically removed (leaving him, I suppose, intestate)?

True. At least that’s the only explanation I can come up with for this:

Pope Expresses ‘Deep Respect’ for Islam

(h.t. to Lovely Daughter for the link to the story.)

One Reply to “#5,396 of things I didn’t know I didn’t know”

  1. “Intestate”

    LOL. LOVED IT. But then, what would you expect from a transactional attorney. With my sense of humor, I often have a hard time handling wills and trusts work for reasons all to similar to that very pun. Unfortunately, it also scores high points for accuracy on another level…I think people have forgotten that one uses apologies to indicate one has done something wrong, and that no apology is required when no transgression was made. (Which, of course, requires a determination on the subject of “who gets to determine the meaning of ‘transgression’ – to which I respond: no one who burns children alive for purposes of their parents’ honor – yeah, read the news – gets to claim ‘transgression’ where only words are involved. Period.)

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