Who Do You Wanna Grow Up to Be?

This is designed to be the blogosphere’s shortest (as far as I know) meme pool tag game. One simple question; one simple answer:

What television sitcom character do you want to grow up to be?

OK, I’ll go first. Becker. His wit, charm and sensitive personality are my role model in life.


Rules of the game:

1.) Ask and answer the question, “What television sitcom character do you want to grow up to be”? (Yeh, I know you’re asking yourself, so the rhetorical form oughta be “What… do I want to grow up to be?” but it’s my game so I’m screwing with the English language the way I want to, so there.)
2.) Tag three people.
3.) Link and track back to the post that tagged you.
4.) List and link to the three people “upline” from you: your tagger, their tagger and the person who tagged the person who tagged you.

Since this lil blogosphere meme pool tag game is so extremely simple, I’ve attempted to make the rules as convoluted as possible to make up for alla the work you DON’T have to do coming up with a post.

Why not?

First Round Tagees:

Woody of Woody’s News and Views
Diane, of Diane’s Stuff
Angel, of Woman Honor Thyself

That’s all.

Oh, if you feel left out like the last kid picked for a side in dodge ball in grade school, drop over to one of the three tagees and ask for a hit.

Well, Diane certainly waxed prolix w/this puppy, proving that “The blogosphere’s shortest meme pool tag game” can be made into one of the longest if played by a real pro. ๐Ÿ™‚

6 Replies to “Who Do You Wanna Grow Up to Be?”

  1. Pingback: Diane's Stuff
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  3. Pingback: The Amboy Times

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