Drive-by “Recipe”

Had several things I’d thought of posting for Carnival of the Recipes, but I’m outa time. let this stand in:

Recently, I’ve been using a rather full-bodied dark roast coffee. Rich flavor. But it needed… something.

Hand grater.


Atop coffee grounds before brewing: a few scrapes of freshly-grated nutmeg. (Addendum: DO NOT use pre-ground sawdust packaged as “ground nutmeg”. *spit* You really might as well just use sawdust. Old sawdust.)

Very nice. Adds a distinct high note that is a nice addition to the dark roast coffee.

S’all, folks. Have to stagger off to “St. Mattress Cathedral” now to dream of The Holy Brew.

Call me lazy…

…I don’t care. It’d be the truth. Why, the other day, before I’d had even one cuppa The Holy Brew and hence was operating at a serious caffeine-deficient level, I wanted the square root of 232, but my wheels stopped spinning at 15 (common square 15X15=225. Knew cos I had to memorize squares of whole #s up to the square of 25 in gradeschool). So, caffeine-deprived and lazy, I did what anyone with two brain cells to rub together would do:

I typed “square root 232” (w/o the quotes, of course) in my browser’s Google search box. To seven decimal places: 15.2315462.

So, call me lazy. I rounded it up (for my purposes) to 15.25.

Confessed (“Sign ze papers, old man.” “But I cannot sign the papers!…”) at Bloggin’ Outloud, where the Best So Far 2006 awards show will close ballots tonight.

The War Against Democracy

Provocative enough post title for ya? 🙂

Several things have converged to create this post: Reading (piecemeal) The Founders Constitution and steeping myself in the ground from which this country sprang. Antics in the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade, the Mass Media Podpeoples’ Army, among Mixed Academia Nuts, the ACLU and all their ilk to sabotage what remains of the democratic republic the Founders and Framers bequeathed us. The fact that the next seven days will determine just how much of my money the Feds will have stolen from me over the last year (yeh, doing my taxes before Feb 10-“feds have stolen” refers to all the monies levied and spent by the feds for things NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY GENUINE CONSTITUTIONAL WRIT. Monies given to folks who ought instead to get it by earning it legitimately.)

Well, I guess I’ll just focus on one aspect of The War on Democracy. Democracy, as Jerry Pournelle often reminds his readers, is rightly “rule by the middle class”-those citizens whose productive lives add value to the republic and who have a stake in its health.

Democracy, when it works, is rule by the middle class, the middle class being those who possess the goods of fortune in moderation: those who have enough that they don’t want to risk it trying to take more from the wealthier. Democracies can tolerate a spread of wealth so long as there are not too many very rich and very poor people in the society.

[N.B. Click the link and read Dr. Pournelle’s review of the SOTU address.]

The federal tax structure in this country (as well as how those monies are spent) is one of the most potent weapons the enemies of a democratic republic could ever have devised to effect its downfall. By robbing its productive members of the fruits of their labors for use for anything not specifically designed to protect those citizens from “enemies foreign or domestic” or mediating disputes among the states or other legitimate responsibilities of federal government, the feds grow stronger at the expense of the republic as a whole.

Briefly scan a history of the federal income tax, from Lincoln to the present day, and tell me it isn’t unjust, unfair and antithetical to the Founders’ democratic republic.

There is a better way, and The FairTax is a start down that path. I urge you to get and read this book:

Then call AND write your congresscritters, join a local FairTax group (or just go to a meetup) and do something to get this ever more in the public eye.

Your children and grandchildren will bless you.

Since tbs seem to be working well there today *s*, here’s another at TMH’s Bacon Bits, eh? 🙂

Missing the point /OP

[NB. This is an 0pen Post. See the info below.]

Hollyweird has been influenced too much by mixed academia nuts and isolated from the real world by its own preoccupation with celebrity. Witness the behavior noted by Where Have You Gone Ronald Reaganwherein the Hollyweird “academy” nominated Brokeback Mountain for four times as many Oscars as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Seems Hollyweird missed the point of Holly Lisles’ “Thirteen Sacred Commandments of Suckitudinous Fiction” and took those “commandments” as their bible for “art”.

… the quest for good fiction is not the only way. There is … another path. A dark path. And it is a path rich in tradition and esteemed by many. It is the Path of Suckitude.

Not all bad fiction is Suckitudinous. Some of it is simply bad — written by people who are completely tone-deaf to the language, blind to character and motivation, and incompetent with conflict.

Unlike bad fiction, Suckitudinous Fiction takes a dedication to the fine art of sucking that, if pursued with sufficiently rabid fanaticism, can win Pulitzers. (Yes, I think an inordinate number of recent Pulitzer-prize-winning novels suck. Hugely.)

It’s as though Hollyweird and its suckophants (no, I did not mean to write “sycophants”) among the “critics” read Holly Lisles’ rant and thought, “Hey! These are really good ideas! Let’s follow these commandments as much as we can, at least a little at a time, until no one will even know when the Emperor is walking around in his birthday suit… “

This is an Open Trackback Alliance-affiliated Open Post. Link here and trackback.

See linkfest for more linkfests, as well as the Open Trackback Alliance Open Trackback Alliance

Auditioning for the part of Critias “with Prometheus setting up a democracy and arming the peasants against their masters” at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

Stop the ACLU

This week’s Stop the ACLU post is from Gribbit.

This has been a very disappointing period of time for the ACLU. Two strict constructionists appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. One of which reviews Supreme Court appeals from the 9th Circus, Justice Alito. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of cases from the 9th making it to the Supreme Court as well as an increase in the number of reversals nation wide.

Just yesterday, the ACLU released 8 press releases in between their meals of sour grapes and Koolaid. They can’t get their politicians elected at the ballot box. Some of those which they have gotten elected are proving impotent due to their lack of any real power in Congress. But now, the federal judiciary has been taken back by those who actually read what the Constitution says and not trying to look for some hidden meaning. I don’t believe in the Davinci Code nor do I believe the Constitution says anything other that what is printed in it.

[Note: see the links to the ACLU press releases at the foot of this post—ed.]

The ACLU usually prefers to stay in the shadows. They lurk there like criminals waiting to roll some drunk for what little money that he may have. They send out “advisory letters” which advises that the city or town either comply with their wishes, or they will tie them up in very costly legal proceedings. And it isn’t so much the fight for what’s right that is important to the ACLU. No, it’s that big payoff of legal fees reimbursements that will be ordered by the judge. Taxpayers money going into the hands of this Anti American institution.

I received a letter from my Congressman a few months back in which he tried to assure me that the ACLU does not receive taxpayers money. Well, my Congressman is wrong.

There exists a little law where the option of requiring the losing party to reimburse the legal fees of the winning party in civil rights cases. So if the respondent in a civil rights case is the federal government and the government loses, who’s paying the ACLU? We are, John/Jane Q. Taxpayer is footing that bill. The same is true on the state and local level.

So the ACLU uses this as a tool to intimidate cash-strapped cities and states to advance their agenda. For instance, the debate over public celebrations of Christmas. Every time it’s been actually challenged in court, the ACLU loses. But yet, if your town puts up a nativity scene in your local park, the ACLU will send an “advisory letter.” So your town will take it down and bow to the will of the mighty ACLU.

The ACLU is a terrorist organization. They are more powerful than Al Qaeda. Why do I say that? Because they use our own laws against us. They are destroying us from within. And this is why they are concerned about the NSA eavesdropping program. Because they know, if we can listen in on Al Qaeda, we can listen in on anyone who is a threat to our way of life. And that means them too. That is using their twisted logic anyway.

This is why they are pushing the domestic spying falsehood. If the NSA were listening in on your conversation with Aunt Mildred getting her cookie recipe, that would be domestic spying. In this program, one end of the conversation must be either known or suspected Al Qaeda. And at least one of the parties has to be outside of the United States. This being true, it cannot be labeled domestic can it?

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 150 blogs already on-board.

Also crossposted to the other third world county..

More MMPA Cultural Illiteracy

[Note: MMPA=”Mass Media Podpeoples’ Army”]

In yesterday’s best of the Web, James Tarranto cites this lil graph that lends itself to some morbid amusement:

“In the original version of this report, Newsweek misquoted Falwell as referring to ‘assault ministry.’ In fact, Falwell was referring to ‘a salt ministry’–a reference to Matthew 5:13, where Jesus says ‘Ye are the salt of the earth.’ We regret the error.”–Newsweek online, Feb. 6 issue

Yep. Newsweak. Assigning culturally illiterate (let alone biblically illiterate) reporters with no grounding in the memes* of Western Civilization or the Bible to write about comments of someone who is steeped in the single greatest influence on the English language: the Bible. But never fear, as Rolling Stone’s Jeff Sharlet is equal to the task of matching Newsweak’s cultural illiteracy by accusing Senator Sam Brownback of homosexual-bashing with a reference to Matthew 7:20.

(7:19) Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.(7:20) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (KJV)

BTW, ABCNews online doesn’t fare much better in reporting the incident. Apparently no one at ABCNews could find a Bible to check the reference, so they said Brownback’s comment, “”You’ll know them by their fruits,” was a reference to Matthew 7:19, instead of correctly noting it was a close paraphrase of verse 20. If this were an exam, I’d have to mark ABCNews’ article wrong on the facts. Close, but no cigar.

Ahh, it’s just a sign** of the ever-growing cultural illiteracy of American society. Perhaps even of functional illiteracy as well-at least among the members of the MMPA. Who can check the facts when reading is so haaaaarrrrrrd?

h.t. to John at Powerline, who note also that Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University debate team took the Harvard debate team to the cleaners a month ago… *heh*

[*Heck, everyone’s heard of the meme “salt of the earth” haven’t they? Here’s its origin, in context. Makes a difference, doesn’t it?

**Sign, not symptom. A symptom is something a patient can describe to a physician. These folks are so clueless it takes an outside observer to see the signs of their subliteracy in their grunts and squeals.]

A shot across the bow gone awry at Diane’s Stuff and TMH’s Bacon Bits and Basil’s Blog

SOTU/OTA Wednesday

About that State of the Union address last night… I didn’t watch this one, just as I have not watched the SOTU for several years, now. Instead, I read the transcribed address at the site. I find the “sizzle” factor to be a distraction. How someone delivers a speech has some significance, but I just want the meat. On average, I’d probably give the speech a solid “B.” An “A” tending toward “A-” for the foreign policy section. A Solid “C” for the domestic section, IMO. Read it for yourself and judge the contents.

Good things: Explaining the need to take the fight to the terrorists (for those who simply haven’t been listening since 9/11-apparently just about half the pols in the room. *sigh*). Hitting the old Gray Whore and her pimps with a bitch-slap on the so-called ‘domestic surveillance lies, as in,

…to prevent another attack — based on authority given to me by the Constitution and by statute — I have authorized a terrorist surveillance program to aggressively pursue the international communications of suspected al Qaeda operatives and affiliates to and from America. Previous Presidents have used the same constitutional authority I have, and federal courts have approved the use of that authority. Appropriate members of Congress have been kept informed. The terrorist surveillance program has helped prevent terrorist attacks. It remains essential to the security of America. If there are people inside our country who are talking with al Qaeda, we want to know about it, because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again.


This is an Open Trackback Alliance-affiliated Open Post. Link here and trackback.

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