I HAVE to get this book!

I have been remiss in my reading. While I’ve been boning up on our society’s Founding Fathers with The Founders Constitution and other works, I’ve still missed a lot in my catch-as-catch-can autodidacticism over the years. Jerry Pournelle points to Jose Ortega y Gasset’s 1930, The Revolt of the Masses and includes this among the material he excerpts:

It is illusory to imagine that the mass-man of to-day will be able to control, by himself, the process of civilization. I say process, and not progress. The simple process of preserving our present civilization is supremely complex, and demands incalculably subtle powers. Ill-fitted to direct it is this average man who has learned to use much of the machinery of civilization, but who is characterized by root-ignorance of the very principles of that civilization.

The command over the public life exercised today by the intellectually vulgar is perhaps the factor of the present situation which is most novel, least assimilable to anything in the past. At least in European history up to the present, the vulgar had never believed itself to have “ideas” on things. It had beliefs, traditions, experiences, proverbs, mental habits, but it never imagine itself in possession of theoretical opinions on what things are or ought to be. To-day, on the other hand, the average man has the most mathematical “ideas” on all that happens or ought to happen in the universe. Hence he has lost the use of his hearing. Why should he listen if he has within him all that is necessary? There is no reason now for listening, but rather for judging, pronouncing, deciding. There is no question concerning public life, in which he does not intervene, blind and deaf as he is, imposing his “opinions.”

Well… yes. Of course. And is it not even more true today than in 1930?

Gotta get it!

The Revolt of the Masses
The Revolt of the Masses

Don’t try this at home, kiddies

Well, unless it’s an emergency.

I noticed last night that I really needed to buy a new CPU cooling fan. Yeh. *SQUALL!*–display went all hinky… opened case (one thumbscrew, done). CPU fan, all right.


Meant ordering replacement(s–a backup, cos the one that died was a backup *heh*)

NotaBIGproblem, cos have other computers to get stuff sone on, BUT, all my easy-entry data (and Lovely Daughter’s tax data) were on this computer.

Soooo… don’t try this at home, kiddies, unless it’s an emergency.

  1. Took all normal ESD precautions
  2. Removed fan
  3. Partially disassembled fan
  4. Applied miniscule amount of synthetic oil to bearing area
  5. Reassembled and reinstalled.

Good to go… until new fan(s) are delivered.

But, unless you are pretty competent inside a computer case, AND unless it’s a DIRE emergency, just buy a new fan, ‘K?

Guard the Borders 022006

This week’s Guard the Borders Blogburst is from MinutemanHQ:


(PHOENIX, AZ) February 16, 2006 – Chris Simcox, President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (“MCDC”), today announced plans for the group’s nationwide “Secure Our Borders” campaign in April 2006. Simcox also announced a new operational structure for the original Minuteman Border Project to meet the growing needs of the continued expansion of Minuteman border security operations.

Thousands of MCDC volunteers, augmented by the new national support team, will hold border watch patrols in northern and southern states along an estimated 800 miles of international borders during the month of April. The Minutemen will observe and report suspected illegal border crossings to the proper authorities. As always, they will maintain a “no contact” policy with the exception of providing emergency water to those illegal aliens found in distress in the wilderness.

Last year, MCDC revolutionized the national debate about border security and illegal immigration by focusing the nation’s attention on the dangers of America’s wide-open borders in a post 9/11 world. The Minutemen have demonstrated that the borders can be secured with sufficient political will and dedication.

Since the MCDC 23-mile border watch in April, 2005, interest in joining and supporting the Minutemen has exploded nationwide. MCDC chapters have been formed in southern and northern border states, as well as interior states. To date, 6,500 men and women have passed the required background check and interviews to qualify to become official Minuteman Border Project volunteers – with more waiting in the queue for approval. Over 120,000 people have become friends of the Minutemen through their support and volunteer work.

Given the success of the Minuteman Border Project efforts, and two successful month long 24/7 operations conducted in April and October of 2005, a new national volunteer operational structure has been launched to support the Minutemen. The new structure is necessary to respond to these thousands of volunteers and supporters asking what they can do to help.

MCDC has asked for and accepted the help of experienced border volunteers who have been on the front lines, some for as long as four years. With this expansion we will be ready for the thousands of volunteers who will participate in the “Secure Our Borders” operation in April 2006. This expansion further solidifies MCDC’s ability to continue the largest neighborhood watch effort in American history. The Minutemen will continue their civil defense operations assisting authorities in securing the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada until properly relieved.

Contact MCDC at (520)829-3112 or info@minutemanhq.com

For more information about MCDC: www.minutemanhq.com

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terrorism. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

Blogs already on board:

Euphoric Reality Curley’s Corner TMH’s Bacon Bits
Part-Time Pundit The Right Track Cao’s Blog
Mover Mike In The Bullpen Stuck on Stupid
NIF Kender’s Musings Freedom Folks
Parrot Check Gribbit’s Word Right on the Right
Team Swap Gina’s Rantings The Irate Nation
Publius Rendezvous Watchman’s Words Bear Creek Ledger
Something and Half of Something Ogre’s Politics and Views Independent Conservative
The Neo-Con Blogger Ravings of a Mad Tech Third World County
A Lady’s Ruminations Mensa Barbie Welcomes You Intergalactic Source of Truth
Woman Honor Thyself Adam’s Thoughts Amboy Times
Gun Toting Liberal Right on! Blog American Daughter
Right Truth Universe and Other Things A Tic In The Mind’s Eye
Jarhead’s Firing Range Nova Townhall Blog

Monday Open Post

I may well be preoccupied all day today, so link here and track back. I’ll need links to some good reads this evening, ‘K?

If you really need a laugh, CLICK on over and read

Dogs in Elk

It’s an oldie but goodie, and it never fails to crack me up.


Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven