Guard the Borders-Learn the language, dammit!

NOTE: the title of this post is mine. The content below is from Euphoric Reality.

As a parent with two kids in Texas schools, I have a pet peeve. I really, really resent that their education is hampered by kids who can’t speak English. I’ve seen classes that move mind-bogglingly slow as teachers have to work one-on-one with children who shouldn’t be there in the first place. It’s enough to make me grind my teeth in frustration!

I am a big proponent of the immersion method of learning a language. It is my firm belief that once in America, immigrants should learn our language, and the best way is by complete and total immersion. When we lived in Mexico, we placed my son into a public school in the local village so that he could learn the language more rapidly. I continued to teach him at home what he needed to know to keep his education above American standards, and his classroom experience was for language purposes only. We asked for no special considerations, we just did what was necessary. It was not easy, but it worked.

That is only one of the reasons it is so offensive to see our tax dollars paying for immigrants, many of them here illegally, to receive special dispensations because they can’t (or won’t) learn our language! But why should they learn, when almost everything is bi-lingual anyways?

Continue reading “Guard the Borders-Learn the language, dammit!”

Monday Open Post/Olympics? What Olympics?

OK, so yeh, I watched 5 mins of curling (that’s a sport? An athletic competition? Why not “Ice TiddlyWinks”?) and the last group of women figure skaters—I dunno why…


Just more non-participatory mind-(and butt-)numbing.

But RandomYak sure enjoyed the heck outa the stuff. Different strokes.

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