Missing the point /OP

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Hollyweird has been influenced too much by mixed academia nuts and isolated from the real world by its own preoccupation with celebrity. Witness the behavior noted by Where Have You Gone Ronald Reaganwherein the Hollyweird “academy” nominated Brokeback Mountain for four times as many Oscars as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Seems Hollyweird missed the point of Holly Lisles’ “Thirteen Sacred Commandments of Suckitudinous Fiction” and took those “commandments” as their bible for “art”.

… the quest for good fiction is not the only way. There is … another path. A dark path. And it is a path rich in tradition and esteemed by many. It is the Path of Suckitude.

Not all bad fiction is Suckitudinous. Some of it is simply bad — written by people who are completely tone-deaf to the language, blind to character and motivation, and incompetent with conflict.

Unlike bad fiction, Suckitudinous Fiction takes a dedication to the fine art of sucking that, if pursued with sufficiently rabid fanaticism, can win Pulitzers. (Yes, I think an inordinate number of recent Pulitzer-prize-winning novels suck. Hugely.)

It’s as though Hollyweird and its suckophants (no, I did not mean to write “sycophants”) among the “critics” read Holly Lisles’ rant and thought, “Hey! These are really good ideas! Let’s follow these commandments as much as we can, at least a little at a time, until no one will even know when the Emperor is walking around in his birthday suit… “

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Auditioning for the part of Critias “with Prometheus setting up a democracy and arming the peasants against their masters” at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

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