My Fav Bread Machine Bread

Here’s a change of pace. This bread recipe has been a hit at my house. I make it in my bread machine, but if you do the knead-rise-punchdown-etc. routine, I imagine it’d work as well for that, too.

Add these ingredients in this order to your bread machine, set it for a 2-pound loaf and the crust you want (I choose “darker” for mine, YMMV) and walk away.

  • 1.5 cups warm water (about 115 degrees fahrenheit)
  • 0.5-1.0 tsp salt (mostly a matter of taste)
  • 2 Tbs oil (I prefer a good, full-flavored olive oil for this)
  • 1 egg (added last immediately before the dry ingredients)

Mix the dry ingredients separately and add them all at once:

  • 2 cups white flour
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2.5 tsp active dry yeast
  • 0.25 C oat bran
  • 0.25 C garbanzo bean flour
  • 0.25 C vanilla protein powder (mostly soy)
  • 0.25 C corn meal
  • 0.25 C sunflower seeds

Hit the start button and let the feast begin!

This is a rather heavy bread, but it bakes up nicely and—most importantly—is delicious. That it is also packed with nutrients is a lil lagniappe.

Hie thee hence!

Scram, beat it, get outa heah…

And CLICK on over to Rick’s transcript of a very interesting “non-debate” on the issue of domestic surveillance of foreign contacts with American residents (citizen or not) at The Real Ugly American.

Very interesting. Executive summary? “If Al-qaeda’s calling you, we wanna know why… and we have the Constitutional authority to find out.”

But don’t trust my summary. See for yourself.


Veddy, veddy interesting… It’s a loooong post, but worth reading, IMO.

Mohammed in a Pink Dress

Recently, Mike Adams wrote an open missive to the National Endowment for the Arts and published it with the title, The Queer Muhammed: an experiment in tolerance. Here’s the leadoff:

I write to you today, not with a request, but with a demand. I’ve been sitting back patiently while the NEA has been promoting anti-Christian “art” for a number of years. In fact, one could say that I have been supporting it, too, given that my tax dollars have been spent on this garbage. And maybe I’ve been supporting it in another way by refusing to write you to express my frustration. That is, until now.

In the spirit of the “separation of church and state,” my demand is that you commission a painting–fully funded with tax dollars–that has one intention and one intention only: To offend Muslims everywhere.

In the spirit of the experiment Dr. Adams proposes, I humbly submit the following:

[N.B. UPDATE: Ya really ought to start the sound file, now… ]



I’ll say this for the old Butcher of Medina: he’s got gams. Such a pleasant singing voice, too. And though I prefer blondes (my Wonder Woman’s of solid Nordic stock), if he’d shave, I might even be tempted to give ‘im a twirl around the dance floor. But since I don’t swing that way, I’d never—not even in my wildest bachelor years—take it any further…

Second thought, I have to wonder if s/he uses “Essence of Goat Dung” as his/her personal fragrance… Yeh, there goes the invitation onto the dance floor, boys n girls. Not gonna dance with goat dung, no matter how good the attached legs are.

Publishing Mohammed’s dance card at Basil’s Blog, The Conservative Cat and TMH’s Bacon Bits. Ah, heck, Maybe Don Surber would like a spin on the dance floor, too.

Update: In spite of the threat to his embassy, Itsapundit linked this lil piece. All i wanna know is, when the Moose-limbs burn down his embassy, who’s bringing the marshmallows? Yeh, yeh, I know Mohammed’s bringing the hot dogs…

[Yet another update, below the fold… additions from some good folks who shall remain annonymous for the nonce…] Continue reading “Mohammed in a Pink Dress”

“Religion of Peace”… (MHWA)

Via Stop the ACLU and Yahoonews:

A Pakistani cleric announced Friday a $1 million bounty for killing a cartoonist who drew Prophet Muhammad, as thousands joined street protests and Denmark temporarily closed its embassy and advised its citizens to leave the country.

Now, if Pat Robertson or some other fun-damn-mentalist falsely claiming a Christian purpose had announced a $1,000,000 bounty on Andres Serrano for having wrought “Piss Christ” do you think we’d ever hear the end of the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth from Mass Media Podpeople, Hollyweirdites, Loony Left Moonbats and their ilk about how oppressive and evil Christianity is?

But where’s the mass outcry when a Muslim “cleric” makes such an outrageous announcement? Nowhere, mon frere, cos such an announcement is well within the mainstream of Muslim theology, and the MMP/LLM/HW meme is that Islam is a “religion of peace,” therefore, inciting to murder by Muslims is a peaceful act, or some other such idiotic line of reasoning…

Oh, and the next time you meet a soi disant “moderate Muslim” do ask him if he repudiates violence in the name of his religion. If he says yes, then ask him if he then repudiates The Butcher of Medina, Mohammed (who rots in hell forever). If he says no, then tell him clearly that his repudiation of violence in the name of his religion is a flat out lie.

Just for fun

[edit: Light day today. Grateful for the guest authors keeping my average posts-per-day up around normal… and raising the level of discourse here at twc at the same time. Thanks, y’all! Wanna game some brains? Try the lil psy-op below… ]

Here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢, ther’es one thing that travels faster than light: gossip. And sooner or later—think of the “tellephone game”—any gossip about oneself comes around in greatly exaggerated forms.

Soooo, I have recently begun planting juicy tidbits about myself in the ears of some of the most egregious gossips with the injunction “Now, don’t let this get out!” included to assure it gets amplified and passed on.

Try it! It’s fun to hear jiucy bits repeated and then be able to say, “Oh, yeh, that came from XXXxxxx, cos I planted it with him/her to see how fast he/she would spread it.”

Bumfuzzled looks, laughs and more than a few “I’ve gotta try that!”s.


Tossing the Little Gray Football over at TMH’s Bacon Bits

Quailgate Kerfuffle/Open Post

This is an open post—all weekend long. Link to this post and trackback. Meanwhile… iHillary has succinctly summed up the real news of Quailgate with a (not-so-) simple graphic:


DO CLICK to read iHillary’s post accompanying the graphic.

And do CLICK on the OTA graphic below or on my left sidebar for more info on the Open Trackback Alliance, ‘K?

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven