Keep Your Eyes On Poland

Gateway Pundit put up a post yesterday titled Poland Introduces “Martyrs of Our Time” Ad Campaign


one of the major Polish cities – Poznan will place posters in public transportation vehicles in a campaign designed to illustrate just who is being killed by Islamofascists around the world.  The action was started by the Foundation of St. Benedictus and was approved by local government. The Foundation’s director is Zbigniew Czerwinski who is also member of PiS and president of the Regional Council.

PiS is now also the ruling party in Poland. PiS means in Polish “Law and Justice”. It’s a right-wing conservative party. Also, Polish President Lech Kaczynski is from PiS.


You have to go to Gateway Pundit and look at the actuall posters they are very moving.

The question is how are the Islamofascists going to react to this story? And then how will the Polish government react to that reaction? I think it is safe to assume they will not be handled with kid gloves as France did, or Holland as the previous story illustrates. 

Keep your eyes on Poland. This campaign is just about to begin and will run in several major polish cities including the capital of Warsaw.

Many of us were calling for US papers to publish the cartoons that were originally printed in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.  Some were saying the republishing of those cartoons was an unnecessary provocation that would hasten a war of civilizations.  I understood that argument but disagreed with it then and now. We need to recognize Islamofascism for what it is and confront the death and destruction that it has already caused.  Delaying the inevitable will only lead to more martyrs, and murder. 

This post can also be found at The Real Ugly American

Amazing Transformations!

[N.B. Adapted from an email recieved from an Anonymous Source, “Deep (but Swift) Boat”]

“A little eyeliner, some mascara, a smattering of powder and VOILA! There’s just no end to the magic one can accomplish with a little help from Revlon and Max Factor, is there? I offer as proof three outstanding BEFORE/AFTER shots. Simply amazing, ain’t it?”




So, tell me, Jean Fraud: Where are the stinkin’ records you’ve promised time and time again to release?



And this is one of the guys watching the store (one of the “custodians of the Constitution”)?

Flogging a not-quite-dead horse’s ass at Basil’s Picnic.

Thought Experiment/Open Post

[Open Post: See Below]

Consider this a sort of snipe hunt for possible unintended consequences.


You discovered a new particle/wavicle analogous to photons but propogated by “gravity waves” (go ahead, call this fictional particle a “graviton”) and


You discovered a way to “modulate” photons in interaction with these gravitons in such a way as to capture/release energy in ways hitherto unimagined and


You engineered a “black box” that could be manufactured cheaply and be used to power a home, a car, virtually anything that can be powered with electricity, very, very, VERY inexpensively.

In addition, you discover that, like radio waves, gravity waves can be used for instantaneous communication without any interference with current technology, and that your lil photon/graviton generator can also be built so that it can store and manipulate data…

What would you do?

It seems a simple question, and most folks’ first response would be simple, as well: Market the puppy and become wealthy beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings.

Now, before you respond, try to imagine the riipple effect of such devices freely released into society. Try to imagine the positive AND negative effects… and the effects of the postive and negative effects.

Go ahead and do try the lil thought experiment, and answer—eventually—in comments or a post of your own (link here, please so I can follow the imaginings, if you would). I have my own thoughts, but I’d like to reserve them so as not to influence yours any more than I already have.

(And yes, this lil thought experiment can be used as a meta-lesson applied to other things… )

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