Knock me over with a feather

OK, so I’ve resisted moving off blogger for quite some time. Rich, The English Guy, generously offered me hosting and a WordPress setup. Romeocat, of CatHouse Chat, nearly bowled me over when she offered me a Typepad account.

Diane, of Diane’s Stuff managed to do the impossible: she struck me senseless speechless (I had the sense to accept her offer, so it wasn’t “struck senseless”) by sending me the keys to a fully-hosted, already set up WordPress account, complete with the kinds of plugins, etc., that I use. Told me to “…feel free to use any of the features that are available… Or use none of it and tell me to go to hell…”

Like the tag’s an option!


When are people going to start living down to my estimation of the human race? I figure it this way: three times excessively generous folk have offered to relieve me of the cross I bear in fiddling and fooling around with Blogspot. Diane went so far as to present me with a fait accompli—just dumped a fully-hosted WordPress site in my lap, ready made, and left it to me to spurn her gracious gift or not.

The people just blow me away! Where does such gracious and generous behavior come from in a race so seemingly bent on self-destruction (after all, consider: in the U.S. alone, nearly half the electorate voted to commit suicide in ’04!)?

It’s darned near enough to fan the embers of hope for human decency! No! It is enough.

Thank you Rich. Thank you Kat. And thank you Diane for compelling me to face my churlishness in turning down their generosity.

OK, it’ll be a little work, and I may lose some linkage and maybe even one of my readers (OK, one of four ain’t that bad). I’m not tickled pink with the WordPress publishing interface, but I have been testing it out enough on the site to know it’s workable, and Diane has populated the plugins folder with some cool things, so…

Over the course of February, I’ll slowly move things over to that site, probably break the (very nice) template she’s loaded two or three times *heh* and finally end up migrating there until I settle on hosting I want permanently (or perhaps even take over that package, if that’s the option she’d like).

Thanks for moving me off top dead center, Diane. I’ve been looking at hosting packages off and on for the last month and just not wanted to drag my sorry [self] outa my comfort zone (yeh, some of the Blogger stuff hurts, but it’s a comfortable, familiar ache, ya know? :-).

I’ll let folks know when the time comes to turn off the lights here, ‘K?

Things are definitely NOT open for business, but here’s a peek: Sucker punched!

Passable collection of security tips

Every now and then PCMag has a really good collection of tips on one or another area of computing. Today, my inbox had an e- from PCMag with a link to “80 Super Security Tips “. Well they’re not really “super” but most of them aren’t half bad. Here are links to the first eleven, but watch out for the last one in this list. While having good password cracking software can save your bacon on a Win2K/XP/2003 system where the admin password has become lost or corrupted, there are other less expensive ways (that don’t necessarily offer password cracking temptation or the danger of you appearing to have unethical software–whether your intent is pure or not–in your arsenal. E- me if you need to legitimately crack into a Win2K/XP/2003 system where YOUR admin password’s become corrupted or lost and I’ll point you in the right direction. (Hint: Linux boot CD and password changing utility–free and It Just Works–for most legitimate uses.)

Slapped up on the BB at Conservative Cat

A fine one to be talking…

From John Stephenson at Stop the ACLU, this lil heads up:

The newest full page ad from the ACLU over the NSA stuff is released on the eve of the State of the Union. Here is a little sample of their news release. “The State of Our Union Cannot be Strong if the President Continues to Violate the Law,” Says Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU…

Yeh, well, the truth of the matter is that “The State of Our Union Cannot be Strong if…” people can’t see through lying pussbags like Anthony D. Romero. His idiotic assumption of the false antecedent “the President has violated the law [in the commie-created NSA kerfuffle]” meme.

Anyone who has done their homework knows it is the NYT that has definitely vilolated the law, the ACLU and its ilk that continues to aid and abet in the criminal activities of the Old Gray Whore, and a dumbass population that let’s ’em get away with it.

Where have you been? Neat Google mapping hack

Found this via a link over at Woody’s News & Views States of the U.S. I’ve visited or lived in.

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

Added Note: of those 44 states plus DC, I’ve only actually lived in Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. The rest were visited during family forays as a child, other family visits as an adult, vacations and a three-month-long tour with a music group *mumble-mumble* years ago.

Not gonna do the worldmap visits. Heck, that’d only be Canada (a few days), Mexico (too many time to count, including a h.s. band trip) and the Bahamas (once) for me. Not such a much.

Give it a shot. Kinda fun to see 44 states (and DC!) become “red” states for me… 😉

Dissing Jean Fraud/OP

No More sKerry BS_button

This is an 0pen Post. Link here (especcially with anything that disses John Kerry) and trackback.

Here’s the post link:

And here’s the trackback link:

Let’s set aside, for today, my usual Tuesday dissing of Jean Fraud sKerry for his pathological lies, his insulting proclamations, his complete lack of any moral fiber and instead blow a great big fat juicy raspberry his way for his lame filibuster attempt to block the confirmation of Alito.

Did I say “filibuster”? It should be “filibLuster” instead, shouldn’t it? Indeed, if global warmists want to “blame America first” for their pet bugaboo, they need look no further than their own kind’s continued election of Jean Fraud sKerry, Teddy “Swimmer” (Mary Jo Kopeckne could not be reached for comment) Kennedy, Nancy “Harridan” Pelosi, Harry Dumbass Reid and their ilk for a proximal cause.

For some fine dissing of Jean Fraud, see the Free Kerry’s 180 Blogburst, founded and ably managed by Cao. As Cao points pout today, it’s been a year since Jean Fraud promised on national TV to sign an AF-180 and release his records. It’s been 255 days since he purportedly signed an SF-180. But still no public release. Cao started the Free Kerry’s 180 blogburst to keep this lying scumbag’s feet to the fire, to keep this issue continually alive.

Wanna play? Go to Cao‘s and pick up on the game.

Check here linkfest for more open posts. (Also good info on doing trackbacks if you need help. Or just drop me a comment or an e- if you need help.)

Technorati : , , , ,

A Note to Teddy, Jean Fraud and their ilk


(Just trying to keep the discourse at a level they can understand.)

OTOH, On a level appropriate for adults,

By a 72-25 vote, the Senate cut off a symbolic filibuster attempt today on the Supreme Court nomination of Samuel A. Alito Jr., all but assuring that the federal appeals court judge will be confirmed Tuesday morning by the Senate.

Let’s see now… voting against the filibuster… Republican Senators and Democraps who have seen the handwriting on the wall.

(Teddy, Jean Fraud and their partners in crime may have seen it, but their bile has blinded them to good sense, good taste or any connection to ethics. Of course, for most of them in that camp, all of those virtues were lost years ago.)

A tip o’ the’ tam to Jay @ STACLU

Call the Whitehouse Hotline TODAY!

Last chance before the State of the Union Address. Get this out:

The number is:202-456-1111

The issue is: The Fair Tax.

Call and ask that President Bush endorse The Fair Tax.

If you aren’t familiar with it, check here and here.

Short and sweet? YOU choose your tax liability.

“…the FairTax bill would abolish all federal income taxes, death taxes, capital gains taxes, and payroll taxes and replace them with a national retail sales tax… In place of all current federal taxes, the FairTax would place a 23 percent tax on the final sale of all goods and services. Exports and business inputs (i.e. intermediate sales) would not be taxed. [emphasis added]

Individuals would file no tax return at all. Businesses would only need to deal with sales tax returns. The IRS and all 20,000 pages of IRS regulations would be abolished.

Under the FairTax, no federal taxes would be withheld from employees’ paychecks. Social Security and Medicare would be funded by sales tax revenue.”

The sentence bolded above means that YOU would NO LONGER pay the Federal taxes on businesses that are now passed on to you as hidden costs.

Follow up on this. Your children-and grandchildren-will bless you.

Blurb-posted at Conservative Cat and Basil’s Blog and Committees of Correspondence and Bloggin’ Outloud.