A Real Mac PC

When Apple chose (or was compelled by fabbers and market forces, take your choice) to begin producing a “Mac” using an Intel chipset, the handwriting was on the wall. Sure, Apple chose to use an “elilo” (Intel compatible extensible linux bootloader) instead of the usual BIOS routine, in order to attempt to lock other OSes out of installation and use on the Intel-based “Mac,” but who really expected that to be a barrier for long?

The Apple “Mactel” barrier has fallen. According to this article on Linux Watch, Edgar ‘Gimli’ Hucek has the title of being the first to boot Linux on a “Mactel” computer. Can there be any doubt that running Windows apps via WINE can be far behind?

The only fly in the ointment this observer can see is this: why spend extra to get a “Mactel” in order to ditch the expensive Apple OS for a better or more familiar platform, when purchasing (or building) a computer with similar (or better) hardware and installing the OS of one’s choice can be done for less to begin with?

Linked at Adam’s Blog, Freedom Watch

Crossposted at Balanced News Blog

Well, duh.

Any shocker here for anyone who’s visited this blog more than twice?

You scored as Serenity (Firefly). You like to live your own way and don’t enjoy when anyone but a friend tries to tell you should do different. Now if only the Reavers (“scum-sucking, cannibalistic feeb busybodies” would serve) would quit trying to skin you.

Babylon 5 (Babylon 5)


Serenity (Firefly)


Moya (Farscape)


SG-1 (Stargate)


Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)


Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)


Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)


Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix)


Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)


Enterprise D (Star Trek)


Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda)


FBI’s X-Files Division (The X-Files)


Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in? (pics)
created with QuizFarm.com

The only surprise is that I scored identically for Firefly and Babylon 5, needing a tiebreaker to render an accurate assessment. *heh*

Yes, “Sometimes someone needs to be killed to protect you and your crew.” Yep. I’d pull the trigger. Or swing the axe. Or whatever was necessary. The lives and wellbeing of MY “crew” (call it “friends and family”) are more important (and more worthwhile) than whomever might threaten them. Period.

Take it up with the Framers and their darned Second Amendment.

Seen at Eric’s Grumbles Before the Grave

Opening a communications channel to Moon of Conservative Cats and Space Station Picnic, Basil.

Open Thread: Kick Kerry in the Pants

This is an Open Trackback Post AND a “Where the heck is Kerry’s SF-180 info?” post.

Here’s the deal:

1.) ANY post you wish to highlight is welcome. Just link to this post and trackback. BUT
2.) Any post you link and trackback that disses Jean Fraud sKerry over his loudmouthed lies, pusillanimous prevarications, his brazen bloviations will be hardlinked in an upcoming roundup, with excerpt and comment.
3.) As always, any and all factually-based rants, ridicule and ravings that give this wanker a metaphorical poke in the eye are welcome in comments.

Heck, as to that last, I’d even welcome a supporter or three of Jean Fraud commenting here. It’s always nice to know where the self-made idiots are coming from, ya know.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven