“…a little help from my friends…”

Sgt. Pepper\'s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Sgt. Pepper\’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Hey all you Sgt. Pepper folks out there… help_fr_friends_excerpt.mp3 With a Little Help from My Friends

( J. Lennon, P. McCartney ) What would you think if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song
And I’ll try not to sing out of key,

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends,
Mm, I’m gonna try with a little help from my friends.

Just a lil inconsequential plea… A year ago, around the end of March, I finally (after six months’ blogging at Blogger) clued in on installing a stats engine and began using Statcounter to track visitors and pageloads, etc. Later (rather much later, as it turns out) I stumbled onto TTLB and installed Sitemeter as well. I’ve managed to roll both those stats engines over to count things here, as well, adding the stats to my former blog’s, and Statcounter has me nearing the lowly figure of 50,000 “unique” visitors. Gimme a lil hand here and nudge a few folks this way so I go over that mark before a whole year has elapsed with Statcounter, wouldya? I’ll still have no idea how many folks dropped by between October 2004 and March 2005, but it’d be one-a those milestones, ya know. And even if my traffic stays relatively low (just a lil over 1,000/week averaged out over the year, regardless of what it says at the place I “froze” Sitemeter :-)), I’ll at least be able to say I suckered 50,000 visits from somewhere. And yeh, I know I have y’all to thank for my relatively high rankings at Technoratti and TTLB in spite of my also relatively low traffic levels: lotsa linkage over the last year or so. Thanks! Yeh, yeh, I know: that will NOT mean 50,000 actually different people, cos cookies clear, folks visit from different computers, etc., but it’s as close to getting a handle on it as I’m going to get with a tightwad’s stats engines. *heh* So, how about it? For the next month, I’ll be sure and plug anyone whose site refers more than 3 readers this way, ‘K? (If I miss you and your site stats record some referrals to me, let me know.)

Blatant begging and whining sent forth at Conservative Cat, Basil\’s Blog, Stop the ACLU and Don Surber (even though this isn\’t a “best post” nominee… just bare naked begging posted at a blog with more than 3X my traffic. heh)

Fight On!

FightOn (3)2.gifMy –our – beloved blog-brother, GM Roper, is fighting cancer. He was diagnosed just a couple weeks ago, went through surgery this past Monday, and is currently in recovery. He’s a tough, determined, and optimistic man, he has a very loving and supportive family, and he’s going to look this tumor in the eye and fight it to his victory.

I am blessed to be associated with him, both in the Wide Awakes, and in the South Park Republicans. He is an encouragement to me, a reasoned voice in the blogosphere, and a beloved brother.

I’ve been in the process of making a quilt for him and his Lady Wife, in part because my finances are a bit strained right now, but mostly because it’s a way I can send real, physical hugs to a gentleman of honor, grace and intelligence who I admire greatly.

And so, to my friends and readers, I’d like to make a very rare – but earnest – bleg. GM has some very substantial medical bills, and any assistance you could give would be very much appreciated. Would you do me the favor of going to his site and clicking on his PayPal button and making a donation? It\’s on his right margin, just a little bit down from the top, with a Visa/MasterCard button displayed on it.

GM is an honorable man, honest and forthright, and encourages civil and reasoned discussion. I love him dearly, even though I’ve never met him face to face. He is fighting this cancer with determination and optimism, and it would be a blessing to him for us all to show our support in some way. Financial support right now might be the most practical method, but if you can’t, please stop by and let him know your best wishes and prayers are with him and his family.

This is a repost of Romeocat’s post that was lost in the blogage blackout this weekend here at twc. Just let me add a small word: I have been searching for the words to say something along these lines, and when R’Cat e-d to say she’d like to, I knew the right “voice” had answered the need. GM’s a really great guy. Lend him your prayers on top of any other support you may be able to offer. –mnmus

PSA-ed at Don Surber’s, The Conservative Cat and Committees of Correspondence.

“Repetition aids learning”

Well, either that or it’s a sign of lack of sleep. Gonna be running on coffee today, so I’ll depend upon the good graces of my readers to link to this post and trackback, so I’ll be able to have my reading list ready for this evening, ‘K?


Check out the other fine blogs hosting linkfests as noted in my left sidebar and at Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

Yep. Daily backups recommended…

I still have all of the posts from last week, as well as all of the comments (which incloude trackbacks), but reloading them “breaks” the blog every time.

Sooo… I’ll try to restore as much of that as I can, bit by bit, perhaps even post/comment at a time. (Not all that much: something like 30 posts and 120 comments for just about a week.) First up will be Romeocat’s posts, the last one of which was one I do not want out of sight for long.

Meanwhile, I think I’ll take a short nap befor my Monday ramps up on me.


See my new digs

It’s been a good year and a quarter at Blogger, and I plan to do some “transitional posts” as I try to train those of y’all who are regular readers to Go Where The TWC Action Is.

Please update your links to reflect http://www.thirdworldcounty.us/ as the REAL address for third world county.

I’ll still blog other things on Blogger (what with six or so other blogs including a recipe blog for my extended family), though much less as two or three of those blogs need to be shut down/consolidated with http://www.thirdworldcounty.us/.

Meanwhile, thanks for all the fish!

The Night the Lights Went Out in TWC (Blogger)



All future third world county action will be there. Linkfests, curmudgeonly rants, wise posts from my co-conspirators (Diane, The English Guy and Romeocat), snark, oh-so-witty humor from yours truly (well, I laugh at my humor! 🙂 and more.

Bring your own stuff on over there for the party. Grand opening this weekend with an All Weekend Open Post Party (topic to be announced pater–make suggestions there.

Talk w/y’all later… over here.

About that Danish thing…

I feel so left out. Musselmen are awefully angry at a few Danes for speaking (well, drawing) their piece in some cartoons. Where the hate spewed my way? Would I have to say something on the order of “Mohamed was the bastard offspring of a sypillitic dog having anal intercourse with a gonorrhetic sow”?

Do you think that would do it, or should I have that translated into Arabic?

Come on, Islamic camel lovers! Surely you have some hate left over for me! Come on over to America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. We would welcome y’all with open… gunsights.

Asking for trouble at Pirates! Man Your Women! and Cathouse Chat’s “Glass Parking Lot. Seriouslty” (where Romeocat almost gets on board with something I’ve advocated for a long, long time… 🙂

Reverse the flow (GTB/0pen Post)

[This is a combo “Guard the Borders”/Open Post. See Open Post info below or in my Left sidebar.]

Emmigration may just be the key…*heh* No, really: think about it for a second. Yes, we do need a wall and better (more) Coast Guard and Navy protection of our borders. Heck, we need thousands more customs agents to inspect imports.

And that’s just for proper security.

But we do need gates in the walls and barriers. Gates that swing both ways. Some recent estimate hold that, although America is still by and large a technology leader, but the Business Roundtable has presented a study that asserts “If current trends continue, by 2010 more than 90% of the world’s scientists and engineers will live in Asia… ” Not only that, but most college grads today are, if not illiterate, severely subliterate, unable to read and comprehend simple printed information. BTW, we’re not alone. Despite John Stossel’s recent presentation of “Stupid in America” demonstrating that European kids outpaced American students in academic accomplishment at accelerating rates the longer each group was in school, Britain, at least, is experiencing a severe dumbing down of its population, too. Despite the rather shallow “analysis” in the article linked, I have little doubt that at least some of the “enstupiating” of British youth has something to do with the changing mix of immigrants.

We should have stronmg walls and gates that swing both ways. For those coming in, let them first demonstrate that they have something of value to contribute, and we should especially concentrate on recruiting high caliber immigrants in the hard sciences, recruiting them to become full citizens and fully assimilate into their new country, to become real Americans and not hyphenated Americans.

On the other side of the coin, why not do everything possible to encourage the stupid among us, most especially those who once had the native intelligence to become good citizens but who have chosen to allow the American “education” system and “pop culture” to make them into functional idiots… to emmigrate. Yup. Leave, go elsewhere, buh-bye!

Might I suggest we start with offering every congresscritter, pubschool (prisons for kids) administrator and “education” school academia nut retirement packages to emmigrate to Mexico? (With a concommittant seisure off all other assets under the justification that they are incompetent idiots, as evidenced by, well, darned near anything “accomplished by congress in too darned long a time and the shambles educrats and academia nuts have made of their end of education in this country.). Followed by foceably dumping Hollyweird celebrities, writers and producers, en masse, across our southern border? Then, get out invitations to a party held by Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether to alla the Mass Media Podpeople intent on running the U.S. down at every opportunity and give them free “rail” transportation to Vicente Fox’s home state of Guanajuato. Along with every illiegal alien his government has aided across our southern border…

For a start…

Just a thought. We need more smart people, and we are more and more manufacturing dummies through our schools and pop culture. Let’s get rid of the worst idiots and “import” some good folk in their place.

(Ah, heck, let’s throw out at least 90% of the country’s federal bureaucrats while we’re at it. Hard enough that they bounce a few times after hitting the ground across ANY border… )

This is my contribution to the Guard the Borders Blogburst. Like it or lump it. 🙂

As I said, Open Post. Link here and track back.


This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

Blogs already on board:

Euphoric Reality
A Lady’s Ruminations
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Part-Time Pundit
The Right Track
Cao’s Blog
Ogre’s Politics and Views
In The Bullpen
Stuck on Stupid
Kender’s Musings
Watchman’s Words
Third World County
Gribbit’s Word
Right on the Right
Team Swap
Gina’s Rantings
The Irate Nation
Publius Rendezvous
Freedom Folks
Bear Creek Ledger
Something and Half of Something
Mover Mike
Independent Conservative
The Neo-Con Blogger
Ravings of a Mad Tech
Parrot Check
Curley’s Corner
Mensa Barbie Welcomes You
Intergalactic Source of Truth
Woman Honor Thyself

Green-carded at Bloggin’ Outloud and Committees of Correspondence.

Superbowl Sunday *yawn*

Yeh, yeh, I know: it’s the biggest day of the year for some folks. It’s a great party day for others. And very likely most folks with a TV here in the U.S. will at least catch parts of the Superbowl.

But I’m not likely to.

It’s not that I think it’s a waste of time (for me it would be) or that I don’t have some appreciation for the game of football (I do). It’s just that I’m not very interested in watching someone else play sports. No, I’ve never been hyper-athletic. Football? “Touch” football that was more akin to rough housing in the grass was a lot of fun when I was younger, and about the extent of my personal play. I like to play tennis, swim, other things. But watching someone play a game… well, it was interesting watching Ken Rosewall play tennis when I was picking the game up, but that’s been about it for my interest in watching others play games, except for a few high school and college football games that held my interest briefly 30-40 years ago (and my kids’ soccer games—but then, I was an assitant coach for my son’s team. Soccer: another fun game to play that’s MUCH less fun to watch.).

Different strokes. If I’m not playing—a game, an instrument, whatever—or actively learning how to play, I’m much less interested in watching someone else have all the fun. (Not that alla the pro athletes view playing as fun, although I’m sure some do).

Same deal with the olympics. Watching other folks do stuff has never been a biggie with me. Heck, I’d rather read a book and imagine other folks doing stuff… *heh*

Others feel differently. I have a sister who is strongly emotionally invested in how “her” football team performs (why it is “hers” I haven’t figured out: she has no familial or financial ties to the team and doesn’t even live in the state it harks from). That’s fine. No skin offa my back.

Variety in food and in people is the spice of life.

So, for alla y’all who’re planning on having a rip-roaring time this evening watching a buncha guys getting all the action somewhere else, more power to ya. Have fun. I’ll be doing something else.

Inciting to riot over at Conservative Cat and Basil’s Blog. Root, root, rooting for the home team at The Crazy Rants of Samanthat Burns.