About that Danish thing…

I feel so left out. Musselmen are awefully angry at a few Danes for speaking (well, drawing) their piece in some cartoons. Where the hate spewed my way? Would I have to say something on the order of “Mohamed was the bastard offspring of a sypillitic dog having anal intercourse with a gonorrhetic sow”?

Do you think that would do it, or should I have that translated into Arabic?

Come on, Islamic camel lovers! Surely you have some hate left over for me! Come on over to America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. We would welcome y’all with open… gunsights.

Asking for trouble at Pirates! Man Your Women! and Cathouse Chat’s “Glass Parking Lot. Seriouslty” (where Romeocat almost gets on board with something I’ve advocated for a long, long time… 🙂

3 Replies to “About that Danish thing…”

  1. Oh, you mean cos I have not yet garnered a public visit from a member of “the religion of hate, mutilation, rape, murder and slavery”?

    Yeh, I’m kind of ashamed of that myself… *hangs head*

    But I am trying! OK?

    I do still get a lot of visits from Middle eastern Islamic-enslaved countries looking for “filthy whore” (in Arabic), cos I used the phrase to refer to that lying Italian bi-ahtch who ran a checkpoint last year… Seems there are a lotta “good Muslims” looking for “filthy whores”…

    BTW, “Rich”–nice lil non-existant domain you have there…

  2. I think charges of intolerance and being backwards can be leveled at all religions, apart from perhaps Buddhism. Statistically, you are likely to be a Christian. Your actions seem most unchristian, however. I would think that Jesus would like you to open your heart to your brother man, to show him the light through virtuous actions and words. But I?m not an expert. Don’t you do Churchy stuff? Perhaps you could set the record straight?

  3. “Rich” (if that is your name; SPAM Karma2 has consistently flagged your comments as SPAM cos of your attempts at faking email/domain), you really ought to learn something–anything–about a subject before you say things that demonstrate you have no idea what you’re talking about and have no skill in rational thought.

    “I think charges of intolerance and being backwards can be leveled at all religions…” Well sure they can. But truthful charges are another situation entirely. You seem to think that “charges…leveled” equals a demonstrable fact that such charges have merit.

    Heck, you probably even belive the false chages brought against the Mathers that follow the myths perpetrated by the likes of Hawthorne and Miller (whose “Crucible” is the most egregious piece of propagandist crap I’ve ever read) to have merit.

    Ignorant twaddle.

    But, of course, knowing differently would require reading (at the very least, reproductions of) actual source documents… and understanding them.

    And you quite evidently have no earthly idea of the fundamental differences–indeed the great chasm of morality that separates–the Butcher of Medina and the Carpenter of Nazareth.

    Go do your homework or I’ll be forced to tell SK2 to regard your sig as SPAM and just auto-delete your comments. I’ll not waste any more time reading your stuff. Buh-bye!

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