Carnival of the Recipes #54

Caltech Girl has us all going back to school for Carnival of the Recipes #54

Ah, man! And all I wanna do is hang out at the pool eating Javascript Cookieâ„¢ Ice Cream Sandwiches!  Oh. Well.  At least if I have-ta go back to classes, she’s got some classy recipes to take with me, including Homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette, Freezer Coleslaw, Fried Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Tofu!?!?! Yeh, well, cos it’s from R’Cat, I guess I’ll give it a try… ).  Heck, if I’m gonna give tofu another chance, I’ll even try Army Wife’s Hummus recipe, I guess.

Tons of the good stuff! Just go!

Annoyingly cool?

I don’t know whether this is cool or annoying as all get-out…

And I know I need more coffee, anyway, cos I can’t recall where I ran across this annoyingly cool thingy-whopper:  Blogger for Word.

Yeh: a M$ Word plugin for editing/posting blogger posts. OK, confession time: I’m juuust lazy enough that I don’t write the code for my blogposts. And I HATE the stupid lil box blogger has in its crappy lil builtin wywsiwyg editor. So, I’ve been using Blogwriter, a not-quite-ready-for-primetime blog editor beta.  Oh, it doesn’t introduce as many errors as blogger’s builtin wywsiwyg editor does on its own, but between it and blogger, it does a good enough job of scrambling what I write to give me an excuse to use blogger’s builtin to edit the messy html a tad, about 50% of the time.

So, trying out this lil plugin for Word 2000.

And that’s my gripe with this plugin.  I had to actually install Word 2000 on this computer. Yeh, yeh, I know. Who cares? Well, I have a perfectly fine office suite in Open Office that I can use for everything else, so having to install an extra copy of Word 2000 I had sitting around was a pain.  Bloated MessySoft software… *grumble, grumble, gripe, complain*

Well, at least the lowest cersion of Word the thing will work with is Word 2000, which is bad enough but at least not as bad as having to install later versions.  I swear, M$ must think that “improving” software simply means adding code bloat through bling-bling addons.


Here’s the installation file for the Blogger for Word plugin, if ya wanna try it out (and don’t mind—too much—having to have Word installed).

Oh, I see one thing that’s NOT gonna save me any time. I’ll still have to edit the posts manually to add “open in new window” to links. No biggie.

UPDATE: BTW, can edit the raw html easily using this plugin, cos when ya hit “publish” and chose the blog to publish to, etc., a window pops up with the editable html to edit/approve, whatever.  Makes it kinda easy.