
Stuff to post today. Let this be a placeholder for…

A really cool page w/lotsa patriotic mp3s thanks to Romeocat at Cathouse Chat. I’ll link it when I’m at the right computer, etc. Done, now, obviously.

News from Saudi Arabia: ding dong, one-a the witches is dead. Also h.t to Cathouse Chat. (Well, he wore dresses, didn’t he?) Links and comments will be edited into this post for the Saudi deal, too. Suffice it to say, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. *sigh*

Yeh, I know the death of one cockroach isn’t a sign that the whole colony is immediately on its way to the Eternal Crematorium. But still: one in the minus column for the Wahabbist terrorist enablers can’t be all bad, can it?

And yeh, there’s more. Just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Gimme a break. *VBG* 🙂

[OK, OK, I’m still not getting around to it. *sigh* Maybe tomorrow will be a day of blogolicious posting. I did get a great quasi-recipe from Lovely Daughter to whip into shape for Carnival of the Recipes, so there’s one for Tuesday… Be patient. The dog days of summer have bitten early.]

Lemme catch my breath… and pump down more of The Holy Brew, eh?