Oh, Heavens! ALa’s cookin’ up some fine eats!

ALa’s Restaurant is open at Blonde Sagacity and serving up the Carnival of the Recipes #52

ALa’s laid it all out in a lovely menu display. If I could ever find a “real world” restaurant like that, I’d stop cooking…


(And—what’s the female form of mensch? Womansch? Whatever it is, ALa qualifies. I was sure my entry for this week was too late to make it, but she got it in. Thanks, ALa!)

Great food. Head on over and make out this weekend’s grocery list!

Seen “The Flea” yet?

Yeh, it’s all over the place, and I’m probably the last person on the face of the planet to blog this…

…but on the off chance that one of my (2? 🙂 regular readers haven’t yet seen this yet, here ’tis.

WARNING: Swallow that coffee first!

The iPod Flea

(It’s here, too. The other link is a tad funky. What can I say? NYT… )

I warned you, didn’t I?

(Still, how did I miss this in July? *sigh*)

About that so-called “War on Drugs”

This comment by Charles Brumbelow over at Chaos Manor seems telling:
Some would say we’ve learned nothing from Prohibition. IMHO that is incorrect, we’ve learned a great deal. Specifically, we’ve learned that criminalizing any behavior creates opportunities for wealth and power for politicians, government employees, and those who would organize and market that behavior. We’ve also learned that such criminalization gives government an additional set of restraints and controls to apply to all the citizens.
As the Puppy Blender might say, “Indeed.”

Oh, Waaa… Boo-hoo

Cheats, malingerers and crybabies in labor union whine about privacy in the workplace.

It seems that some warehouse workers in Britain are concerned about their “privacy” in the workplace because some companies have proposed using RFID to track employees in large wrehouses—RFID tags, armbands, whatever.

“One of the largest trade unions there, GMB, is up in arms about radio frequency identification technology—and is trying to put its foot down.”_*_

Cluebat—*whack!* Hey! Crybabies! The warehouses are not your property. You just work there. Privacy? Yeh, that means no cameras in the rest rooms. Everything else, well you want privacy, quit work (or get fired) and go home. Thats where you can have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

The real issue is this: workers don’t want their bosses to have easy ways to tell they are malingering. Lazy bums. Stupid, too. As the Baseline article linked above notes, these same huge warehouses have tons of videocams in place to monitor product (and employee) movements. So, big deal. The RFID technology just makes real time tracking (and ease of management) more efficient.

And adds another layer of management tools to let bosses know when an employee is goofing off instead of working.

Good. Fire the lazy bums. Crybabies.

Pleasant night time thoughts

Army Wife & Toddler Mom started me on this mid night path…
A comment on my (late) Carnival of the Recipes post led me to this post, then this one, which led me to recall this, once again.

Crossing the Bar
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.

Lil sidebar: I wrote a tune/piano accompaniment for this as an exercise for a comp class in college and still hear that every time I think of this poem.